WorldCereal / ewoc_sen2cor

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EWoC Sen2cor

Dockerfile based on Sen2cor 2.9



docker build -t ewoc_s2c .


s2c_plan: Process an entire plan

 docker run -ti --rm --env-file /home/ewoc_user/ -v /local_folder/work/:/work ewoc_s2c:0.8.4 s2c --verbose v s2c_plan -p /work/21HTC_plan.json --data_source aws --production_id <some_id>

In order to read the json plan you will need to mount a volume to the container

s2c_id: Process one S2 L1C product

docker run -ti --rm --env-file /home/ewoc_user/ ewoc_s2c:0.8.4 s2c --verbose v s2c_id -p S2B_MSIL1C_20190822T105629_N0208_R094_T30SWF_20190822T131655 --data_source creodias --production_id <some_id>

This command will run sen2cor on input L1C S2 and convert the result into ewoc format. The level 1 data is automatically downloaded from the data provider using dataship

The --env-file is used to environment variables to the ewoc_s2ccontainer in order to upload the ARD result to s3 bucket.


Sen2cor aux data: