WowDevTools / Blender-WMO-import-export-scripts

Script addon for Blender featuring World of Warcraft World Model Object (WMO) editing functionality.
GNU General Public License v3.0
38 stars 17 forks source link

Blender WMO import/export addon

Actually this addon is much more than a usual import/export Blender plugin. Besides core functionality of importing and saving edited WMOs, this addon is also a powerful editor supporting nearly all features of World of Warcraft World Model Object (WMO) files. Written in Python using Blender API.


This repository is deprecated in favor of WoW Blender Studio, a more recent continuation of this addon. WoW Blender Studio is intended to be used with the most recent versions of Blender. The code on this repository only supports Blender 2.79b. No support for this version will be given.

What is World Model Object?

World Model Object or just WMO is a special compound 3D structure used in the game World of Warcraft for making buildings, dungeons and other big complicated 3D objects. It does not only contain traditional 3D model parts as geometry, UV maps, materials and so on; but it does also support features like liquids, complex lighting system, portal culling system and much more.

WARNING: The code on this repo is work in progress

This repo only exists for development purposes, not for deploying versions to users. File corruption may occur if you by chance pull some unfinished or broken code. The last "stable" verson is available on (Model Changing Network) and is supplied with how-to documentation.


The provided software is available completely free of charge, however if you want to support me, here is my PayPal account:

Currently supported features




Special thanks to Deamon and fallenoak for information on batches and portals and all other contributors.

Planned features

Installation and usage: (relevant to last officially released version)