WowLegacyCore / HermesProxy

A World of Warcraft connection Proxy for VMaNGOS & CMaNGOS.
GNU General Public License v3.0
304 stars 97 forks source link

HermesProxy Build

This project enables play on existing legacy WoW emulation cores using the modern clients. It serves as a translation layer, converting all network traffic to the appropriate format each side can understand.

There are 4 major components to the application:

Supported Versions

Modern Versions Legacy Versions
1.14.0 1.12.1
2.5.2 2.4.3

Ingame Settings

Note: Keep Optimize Network for Speed enabled (it's under System -> Network), otherwise you will get kicked every now and then.

Usage Instructions

Chat commands

HermesProxy provides some internal chat commands:

Command Description
!qcomplete <questId> Manually marks a quest as already completed (useful for quest helper addons)
!quncomplete <questId> Unmarks a quest as completed

Start Arguments


Parts of this poject's code are based on CypherCore and BotFarm. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to these projects, as the creation of this app might have never happened without them. And I would also like to expressly thank Modox for all his work on reverse engineering the classic clients and all the help he has personally given me.

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