Wulf2k / DaS-PC-MPChan

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  1. Start DSCM
  2. Start Dark Souls
  3. Enjoy Dark Souls Multiplayer :)

Automatic node finding

While DSCM-Net is active, it will automatically connect to players in the same area and in coop level range. Just have it running and enjoy working Dark Souls multiplayer.

Manual Connecting

You can also manually connect to a specific player like this:

  1. Make sure you are connected to less than 20 nodes. You might want to disable DCSM-Net, so you get less nodes.
  2. Copy the other player's steam profile URL or SteamID64 into the Target field.
  3. Click Attempt Connection
  4. After a few seconds, they should appear in the Active tab.
  5. You might want to add the player to your favorites by selecting them in the Active list and clicking Add Favorite
  6. Next time you can connect to the other player by double-clicking the favorites entry.



Ctrl + 1 = Toggle Node Drawing

Node Drawing

Enabling this shows a visualization of currently active connections.


Due to constant problems with the default Steam matchmaking, DCSM contains its own matchmaking. All DSCM-Net clients report player info to a central location. You can have a look at this information in the DSCM-Net tab.

DSCM uses this information to automatically connect you to appropriate players. Note that your covenant (and whether you are wearing its ring) will be taken into account in this process.

Active Nodes Tab

This displays a detailed list of the players you're connected to. It also shows their location in-game, and if they're human, hollow, or a phantom of some kind.

This vastly helps with informing you if you have potential viable connections or not. Bear in mind it is not possible to know whether or not someone has their boss alive, so that aspect is still a guess from your end.

Row colors

The color of the row marks the usefulness that DSCM thinks that node has for you. That is based on Location, Soul Level, your Covenant and if you have your covenant ring equipped.

Nodes that you added manually are highlighted in bold.

MP Area column

This column shows the invasion zone the player is in. The wiki has further details.

Favorites and Recent Tabs

The recent tab will fill up with your 70 most recent connections. Favorites can be added from either your active node tab or recent tab. When starting DSCM and every 10 minutes after, DSCM will interact with a script created and hosted by Chronial that checks the online status of your Recent and favorite nodes (max 100 combined). Steam privacy settings can make a node appear offline when they are not.

Disable FPS Disconnects

DSCM now disables Dark Souls' check that will kick you offline when your FPS dips low.


DSCM adapts its connection behaviour to your covenant.

If you are in a coop covenant, DSCM will preferably connect you to people that are in the same area and within coop level of you. For PvP covenants, DSCM will also consider players that you can invade and that can invade you. Also:

Contact/ Bug Reports:

This program was created by Wulf, who can be found on reddit as /u/Wulf2k. As a backup you can try contacting /u/illusorywall or @illusorywall, but I can't help as much with the technical stuff.

Source code is available at: https://github.com/Wulf2k/DaS-PC-MPChan
Source code for the DSCM-Net server: https://github.com/Chronial/dscm-server

Brought to you by Lane Hatland (wulf2k@gmail.com).
With thanks to Illusorywall, Jellybaby44, Chronial, and many others.