WwZzz / easyFL

An experimental platform for federated learning.
Apache License 2.0
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deep-learning distributed-computing fairness federated-learning machine-learning pytorch

FLGo: A Lightning Framework for Federated Learning

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FLGo is a library to conduct experiments about Federated Learning (FL). It is strong and reusable for research on FL, providing comprehensive easy-to-use modules to hold out for those who want to do various federated learning experiments.


Tutorials in Chinese can be found here

Quick Start with 3 lines :zap:

import flgo
import flgo.benchmark.mnist_classification as mnist
import flgo.benchmark.partition as fbp
import flgo.algorithm.fedavg as fedavg

# Line 1: Create a typical federated learning task
flgo.gen_task_by_(mnist, fbp.IIDPartitioner(num_clients=100), './my_task')

# Line 2: Running FedAvg on this task
fedavg_runner = flgo.init('./my_task', fedavg, {'gpu': [0,], 'num_rounds':20, 'num_epochs': 1})

# Line 3: Start Training

We take a classical federated dataset, Federated MNIST, as the example. The MNIST dataset is splitted into 100 parts identically and independently.

Line 1 creates the federated dataset as ./my_task and visualizes it in ./my_task/res.png result

Lines 2 and 3 start the training procedure and outputs information to the console

2024-04-15 02:30:43,763 fflow.py init [line:642] INFO PROCESS ID:   552206
2024-04-15 02:30:43,763 fflow.py init [line:643] INFO Initializing devices: cuda:0 will be used for this running.
2024-04-15 02:30:43,763 fflow.py init [line:646] INFO BENCHMARK:    flgo.benchmark.mnist_classification
2024-04-15 02:30:43,763 fflow.py init [line:647] INFO TASK:         ./my_task
2024-04-15 02:30:43,763 fflow.py init [line:648] INFO MODEL:        flgo.benchmark.mnist_classification.model.cnn
2024-04-15 02:30:43,763 fflow.py init [line:649] INFO ALGORITHM:    fedavg
2024-04-15 02:30:43,774 fflow.py init [line:688] INFO SCENE:        horizontal FL with 1 <class 'flgo.algorithm.fedbase.BasicServer'>, 100 <class 'flgo.algorithm.fedbase.BasicClient'>
2024-04-15 02:30:47,851 fflow.py init [line:705] INFO SIMULATOR:    <class 'flgo.simulator.default_simulator.Simulator'>
2024-04-15 02:30:47,853 fflow.py init [line:718] INFO Ready to start.
2024-04-15 02:30:52,466 fedbase.py run [line:253] INFO --------------Round 1--------------
2024-04-15 02:30:52,466 simple_logger.py log_once [line:14] INFO Current_time:1
2024-04-15 02:30:54,402 simple_logger.py log_once [line:28] INFO test_accuracy                 0.6534
2024-04-15 02:30:54,402 simple_logger.py log_once [line:28] INFO test_loss                     1.5835


Each training result will be saved as a record under `./my_task/record`. We can use the built-in analyzer to read and show it. 


# Why Using FLGo? :hammer_and_wrench:
## Simulate Real-World System Heterogeneity :iphone:
Our FLGo supports running different algorithms in virtual environments like real-world. For example, clients in practice may 
* *be sometime inavailable*, 
* *response to the server very slow*, 
* *accidiently lose connection*, 
* *upload incomplete model updates*,
* ...

All of these behavior can be easily realized by integrating a simple `Simulator` to the runner like
import flgo
from flgo.simulator import ExampleSimulator
import flgo.algorithm.fedavg as fedavg

fedavg_runner = flgo.init('./my_task', fedavg, {'gpu': [0,]}, simulator=ExampleSimulator)

Simulator is fully customizable and can fairly reflect the impact of system heterogeneity on different algorithms. Please refer to Paper or Tutorial for more details.

Comprehensive Benchmarks :family_woman_woman_boy_boy:

FLGo provides more than 50 benchmarks across different data types, different communication topology,...

Task Scenario Datasets
CV Classification Horizontal & Vertical CIFAR10\100, MNIST, FashionMNIST,FEMNIST, EMNIST, SVHN
Detection Horizontal Coco, VOC
Segmentation Horizontal Coco, SBDataset
NLP Classification Horizontal Sentiment140, AG_NEWS, sst2
Text Prediction Horizontal Shakespeare, Reddit
Translation Horizontal Multi30k
Graph Node Classification Horizontal Cora, Citeseer, Pubmed
Link Prediction Horizontal Cora, Citeseer, Pubmed
Graph Classification Horizontal Enzymes, Mutag
Recommendation Rating Prediction Horizontal & Vertical Ciao, Movielens, Epinions, Filmtrust, Douban
Series Time series forecasting Horizontal Electricity, Exchange Rate
Tabular Classification Horizontal Adult, Bank Marketing
Synthetic Regression Horizontal Synthetic, DistributedQP, CUBE


Each benchmark can be used to generate federated tasks that denote distributed scenes with specific data distributions like

import flgo
import flgo.benchmark.cifar10_classification as cifar10
import flgo.benchmark.partition as fbp
import flgo.algorithm.fedavg as fedavg

task = './my_first_cifar' # task name
flgo.gen_task_by_(cifar10, fbp.IIDPartitioner(num_clients=10), task) # generate task from benchmark with partitioner
flgo.init(task, fedavg, {'gpu':0}).run()

Visualized Data Heterogeneity :eyes:

We realize data heterogeneity by flexible partitioners. These partitioners can be easily combined with benchmark to generate federated tasks with different data distributions.

import flgo.benchmark.cifar10_classification as cifar10
import flgo.benchmark.partition as fbp

Dirichlet(α) of labels

flgo.gen_task_by_(cifar10, fbp.DirichletPartitioner(num_clients=100, alpha=0.1), 'dir0.1_cifar')
flgo.gen_task_by_(cifar10, fbp.DirichletPartitioner(num_clients=100, alpha=1.0), 'dir1.0_cifar')
flgo.gen_task_by_(cifar10, fbp.DirichletPartitioner(num_clients=100, alpha=5.0), 'dir5.0_cifar')
flgo.gen_task_by_(cifar10, fbp.DirichletPartitioner(num_clients=100, alpha=10.0), 'dir10.0_cifar')


Controllable Data Imbalance

# set imbalance=0.1, 0.3, 0.6 or 1.0
flgo.gen_task_by_(cifar10, fbp.DirichletPartitioner(num_clients=100, alpha=1.0, imbalance=0.1), 'dir1.0_cifar_imb0.1')
flgo.gen_task_by_(cifar10, fbp.DirichletPartitioner(num_clients=100, alpha=1.0, imbalance=0.3), 'dir1.0_cifar_imb0.3')
flgo.gen_task_by_(cifar10, fbp.DirichletPartitioner(num_clients=100, alpha=1.0, imbalance=0.6), 'dir1.0_cifar_imb0.6')
flgo.gen_task_by_(cifar10, fbp.DirichletPartitioner(num_clients=100, alpha=1.0, imbalance=1.0), 'dir1.0_cifar_imb1.0')


Heterogeneous Label Diversity

flgo.gen_task_by_(cifar10, fbp.DiversityPartitioner(num_clients=100, diversity=0.1), 'div0.1_cifar')
flgo.gen_task_by_(cifar10, fbp.DiversityPartitioner(num_clients=100, diversity=0.3), 'div0.3_cifar')
flgo.gen_task_by_(cifar10, fbp.DiversityPartitioner(num_clients=100, diversity=0.6), 'div0.6_cifar')
flgo.gen_task_by_(cifar10, fbp.DiversityPartitioner(num_clients=100, diversity=1.0), 'div1.0_cifar')


Partitioner is also customizable in flgo. We have provided a detailed example in this Tutorial.

Reproduction of Algorithms from TOP-tiers and Journals :1st_place_medal:

We have realized more than 50 algorithms from TOP-tiers and Journals. The algorithms are listed as below

Classical FL & Data Heterogeneity

Method Reference Publication
FedAvg link AISTAS2017
FedProx link MLSys 2020
Scaffold link ICML 2020
FedDyn link ICLR 2021
MOON link CVPR 2021
FedNova link NIPS 2021
FedAvgM link arxiv
GradMA link CVPR 2023

Personalized FL

Method Reference Publication
Standalone link -
FedAvg+FineTune - -
Ditto link ICML 2021
FedALA link AAAI 2023
FedRep link ICML 2021
pFedMe link NIPS 2020
Per-FedAvg link NIPS 2020
FedAMP link AAAI 2021
FedFomo link ICLR 2021
LG-FedAvg link NIPS 2019 workshop
pFedHN link ICML 2021
Fed-ROD link ICLR 2023
FedPAC link ICLR 2023
FedPer link AISTATS 2020
APPLE link IJCAI 2022
FedBABU link ICLR 2022
FedBN link ICLR 2021
FedPHP link ECML/PKDD 2021
APFL link arxiv
FedProto link AAAI 2022
FedCP link KDD 2023
GPFL link ICCV 2023
pFedPara link ICLR 2022
FedFA link ICLR 2023

Fairness-Aware FL

Method Reference Publication
AFL link ICML 2019
FedFv link IJCAI 2021
FedFa link Information Sciences 2022
FedMgda+ link IEEE TNSE 2022
QFedAvg link ICLR 2020

Asynchronous FL

Method Reference Publication
FedAsync link arxiv
FedBuff link AISTATS 2022
CA2FL link ICLR2024

Client Sampling & Heterogeneous Availability

Method Reference Publication
MIFA link NeurIPS 2021
PowerofChoice link arxiv
FedGS link AAAI 2023
ClusteredSampling link ICML 2021

Capacity Heterogeneity

Method Reference Publication
FederatedDropout link arxiv
FedRolex link NIPS 2022
Fjord link NIPS 2021
FLANC link NIPS 2022
Hermes link MobiCom 2021
FedMask link SenSys 2021
LotteryFL link arxiv
HeteroFL link ICLR 2021
TailorFL link SenSys 2022
pFedGate link ICML 2023

Combine All The Things Together! :bricks:

FLGo supports flexible combinations of benchmarks, partitioners, algorithms and simulators , which are independent to each other and thus can be used like plugins. We have provided these plugins here , where each can be immediately downloaded and used by API

import flgo
import flgo.benchmark.partition as fbp

fedavg = flgo.download_resource(root='.', name='fedavg', type='algorithm')
mnist = flgo.download_resource(root='.', name='mnist_classification', type='benchmark')
task = 'test_down_mnist'
flgo.gen_task_by_(mnist,fbp.IIDPartitioner(num_clients=10,), task_path=task)
flgo.init(task, fedavg, {'gpu':0}).run()

Easy-to-use Experimental Tools :toolbox:

Load Results

Each runned result will be automatically saved in task_path/record/. We provide an API to easily load and filter records.

import flgo
import flgo.experiment.analyzer as fea
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
res = fea.Selector({'task': './my_task', 'header':['fedavg',], },)
log_data = res.records['./my_task'][0].data
val_loss = log_data['val_loss']
plt.plot(list(range(len(val_loss))), val_loss)

Use Checkpoint

import flgo.algorithm.fedavg as fedavg
import flgo.experiment.analyzer

task = './my_task'
ckpt = '1'
runner = flgo.init(task, fedavg, {'gpu':[0,],'log_file':True, 'num_epochs':1, 'save_checkpoint':ckpt, 'load_checkpoint':ckpt})

We save each checkpoint at task_path/checkpoint/checkpoint_name/. By specifying the name of checkpoints, the training can be automatically recovered from them.

import flgo.algorithm.fedavg as fedavg
# the two methods need to be extended when using other algorithms
class Server(fedavg.Server): 
    def save_checkpoint(self):
        cpt = {
            'round': self.current_round,                           # current communication round
            'learning_rate': self.learning_rate,                   # learning rate
            'model_state_dict': self.model.state_dict(),           # model
            'early_stop_option': {                                 # early stop option
                '_es_best_score': self.gv.logger._es_best_score,
                '_es_best_round': self.gv.logger._es_best_round,
                '_es_patience': self.gv.logger._es_patience,
            'output': self.gv.logger.output,                       # recorded information by Logger
            'time': self.gv.clock.current_time,                    # virtual time
        return cpt

    def load_checkpoint(self, cpt):
        md = cpt.get('model_state_dict', None)
        round = cpt.get('round', None)
        output = cpt.get('output', None)
        early_stop_option = cpt.get('early_stop_option', None)
        time = cpt.get('time', None)
        learning_rate = cpt.get('learning_rate', None)
        if md is not None: self.model.load_state_dict(md)
        if round is not None: self.current_round = round + 1
        if output is not None: self.gv.logger.output = output
        if time is not None: self.gv.clock.set_time(time)
        if learning_rate is not None: self.learning_rate = learning_rate
        if early_stop_option is not None:
            self.gv.logger._es_best_score = early_stop_option['_es_best_score']
            self.gv.logger._es_best_round = early_stop_option['_es_best_round']
            self.gv.logger._es_patience = early_stop_option['_es_patience']

Note: different FL algorithms need to save different types of checkpoints. Here we only provide checkpoint save&load mechanism of FedAvg. We remain two APIs for customization above:

Use Logger

We show how to use customized Logger Here

Tutorials and Documents :page_with_curl:

We have provided comprehensive Tutorials and Document for FLGo.

Deployment To Real Machines :computer:

Our FLGo is able to be extended to real-world application. We provide a simple Example to show how to run FLGo on multiple machines.

Overview :notebook:


Basic options:

Server-side options:

Client-side options:

Real Machine-Dependent options:

Additional hyper-parameters for particular federated algorithms:

Logger's setting


To get more information and full-understanding of FLGo please refer to our website.

In the website, we offer :


We seperate the FL system into five parts:algorithm, benchmark, experiment, simulator and utils.

├─ algorithm
│  ├─ fedavg.py                   //fedavg algorithm
│  ├─ ...
│  ├─ fedasync.py                 //the base class for asynchronous federated algorithms
│  └─ fedbase.py                  //the base class for federated algorithms
├─ benchmark
│  ├─ mnist_classification          //classification on mnist dataset
│  │  ├─ model                   //the corresponding model
│  |  └─ core.py                 //the core supporting for the dataset, and each contains three necessary classes(e.g. TaskGen, TaskReader, TaskCalculator)                         
│  ├─ ...
│  ├─ RAW_DATA                   // storing the downloaded raw dataset
│  └─ toolkits                      //the basic tools for generating federated dataset
│     ├─ cv                      // common federal division on cv
│     │  ├─ horizontal           // horizontal fedtask
│     │  │  └─ image_classification.py   // the base class for image classification
│     │  └─ ...
│     ├─ ...
│     ├─ base.py                 // the base class for all fedtask
│     ├─ partition.py            // the parttion class for federal division
│     └─ visualization.py        // visualization after the data set is divided
├─ experiment
│  ├─ logger                            //the class that records the experimental process
│  │  ├─ basic_logger.py                //the base logger class
│  |  └─ simple_logger.py               //a simple logger class
│  ├─ analyzer.py                  //the class for analyzing and printing experimental results
│  ├─ res_config.yml                  //hyperparameter file of analyzer.py
│  ├─ run_config.yml                  //hyperparameter file of runner.py
|  └─ runner.py                    //the class for generating experimental commands based on hyperparameter combinations and processor scheduling for all experimental 
├─ system_simulator                     //system heterogeneity simulation module
│  ├─ base.py                           //the base class for simulate system heterogeneity
│  ├─ default_simulator.py              //the default class for simulate system heterogeneity
|  └─ ...
├─ utils
│  ├─ fflow.py                          //option to read, initialize,...
│  └─ fmodule.py                        //model-level operators
└─ requirements.txt 


We have added many benchmarks covering several different areas such as CV, NLP, etc


image This module is the specific federated learning algorithm implementation. Each method contains two classes: the Server and the Client.


The whole FL system starts with the main.py, which runs server.run() after initialization. Then the server repeat the method iterate() for num_rounds times, which simulates the communication process in FL. In the iterate(), the BaseServer start with sampling clients by select(), and then exchanges model parameters with them by communicate(), and finally aggregate the different models into a new one with aggregate(). Therefore, anyone who wants to customize its own method that specifies some operations on the server-side should rewrite the method iterate() and particular methods mentioned above.


The clients reponse to the server after the server communicate_with() them, who first unpack() the received package and then train the model with their local dataset by train(). After training the model, the clients pack() send package (e.g. parameters, loss, gradient,... ) to the server through reply().


The experiment module contains experiment command generation and scheduling operation, which can help FL researchers more conveniently conduct experiments in the field of federated learning.


The system_simulator module is used to realize the simulation of heterogeneous systems, and we set multiple states such as network speed and availability to better simulate the system heterogeneity of federated learning parties.


Utils is composed of commonly used operations: 1) model-level operation (we convert model layers and parameters to dictionary type and apply it in the whole FL system). 2) API for the FL workflow like gen_benchmark, gen_task, init, ...


Please cite our paper in your publications if this code helps your research.

      title={Federated Learning with Fair Averaging}, 
      author={Zheng Wang and Xiaoliang Fan and Jianzhong Qi and Chenglu Wen and Cheng Wang and Rongshan Yu},

      title={FLGo: A Fully Customizable Federated Learning Platform}, 
      author={Zheng Wang and Xiaoliang Fan and Zhaopeng Peng and Xueheng Li and Ziqi Yang and Mingkuan Feng and Zhicheng Yang and Xiao Liu and Cheng Wang},


Zheng Wang, zwang@stu.xmu.edu.cn

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Buy me a coffee if you'd like to support the development of this repo.


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