Wyn-Price / CurseMaven

A more robust alternative to the CurseForge maven.
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Content Not allowed in prolog when using cursemaven #6

Closed htmlcsjs closed 1 year ago

htmlcsjs commented 2 years ago

I am working on a mod and i am getting these errors from trying to use cursemaven to download my mods. here is my deps:

repositories {
    repositories {
        maven {

dependencies {

i have attached the log output error.log

Wyn-Price commented 2 years ago

You're not correctly adding the repository. You have a repositories block inside a repositories block. Please do just:

repositories {
    maven {
htmlcsjs commented 2 years ago

i fixed that, the error still occurs

embeddedt commented 2 years ago

FYI, I had the same error, and using https://www.cursemaven.com as the URL fixed it for me. I figured this out by looking at the corrupted .pom files which contained a message about redirecting to the www version.

Wyn-Price commented 2 years ago

This should no longer occur, as the redirects have been removed. Could you please check @embeddedt

embeddedt commented 2 years ago

Looks like that issue is cleared up for me now. Thanks.

htmlcsjs commented 2 years ago

oh nice, thank you

H-QueerCoded commented 1 year ago

CurseMaven had been working fine for me, but when I recently tried to add another dependency to my project, I got this error. I've included the relevant parts of build.gradle for the particular mod that was giving the error.

repositories {
    maven {
        url "https://www.cursemaven.com"

dependencies {
    deobfCompile "curse.maven:engineers-decor-313866:3783239"
Wyn-Price commented 1 year ago

Ah, the redirects are back! Try removing www

H-QueerCoded commented 1 year ago

yeah that worked

Wyn-Price commented 1 year ago

Should work with www now