XDracam / unity-corelibrary

Collection of classes and extension methods that make life with Unity3D more comfortable
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Add Duration-like class for Length #35

Open n3roxis opened 5 years ago

n3roxis commented 5 years ago

Duration is a unit-agnostic wrapper for any duration or time. We now also want a Length class, which abstracts over length, and provide several common units, such as Meters, Centimeters, Kilometers, Yards (?) etc.

XDracam commented 5 years ago

Question: which units do we support? This was pretty trivial for Duration, but far less trivial for Length, which would probably use the unity-length as reference unit (colloquially interpreted as meters). What other units do developers need, and which units would make everything too bloated?

XDracam commented 5 years ago

Postponed, see #41