XDracam / unity-corelibrary

Collection of classes and extension methods that make life with Unity3D more comfortable
MIT License
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⚠️ This project is no longer maintained. Most features have been migrated to WasaBii


The Unity CoreLibrary

License: MIT

The CoreLibrary is a collection of classes and extension methods you didn't even know you were missing. It provides generic, well-tested, well-documented components such as a Pool implementation and object queries as well as numerous extension methods and utilities that make your everyday code cleaner and more type safe.

This project has been developed primarily at the Univeristy of Würzburg, Germany. It remains free and open source for all Games Engineering students as well as anyone else who wants to use it. This project is sponsored, maintained and used by the BII GmbH.

The main goal is to encourage the good sides of functional programming:

What the CoreLibrary Offers

For a complete list, see the full documentation.

Unity Extensions

var newVec = someBaseBehaviour.Position.WithY(y => y + 2);

foreach (var child in transform.GetChildren()) { ... }

var rb = gameObject.As<Rigidbody>(Search.InParents);

SetPerceivable(false); // continues coroutines and animations

if (AssignIfAbsent(ref rigidbody)) { /* newly assigned, do sth */ }

LINQ extensions

var list1 = new List<int> { 1, 2, 3 };
var list2 = new List<int> { 4, 5, 6 };

list2.Where(v => v % 2 == 0).ForEach(Debug.Log);

list1.AndAlso(list2);     // IEnumerable<int> { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 }

list1.Shuffled();         // IEnumerable<int> { 3, 1, 2 }

Declarative Coroutine Creation

StartCoroutine(RepeatEverySeconds(1f, () => Debug.Log("tik tok")));

MyCoroutine().Start() // works outside of MonoBehaviours!

    () => InRange(),
    () => Attack()

    () => _rb.AddForce(Vector3.up * Lift),
    fixedUpdate: true

    .YieldWhile(() => InRange())
    .Afterwards(() => {

Generic Object Pooling

// TODO: inspector screenshot

var bullet = bulletPool.RequestItem(transform.position);

Object Queries in Scene

abstract class Interactable : QueryableBaseBehaviour { ... }

    .Where(i => Distance(i.transform.position, transform.position) < Threshold)

Other Utilities

void DoSomething<T>(T value) 
    // works around Unity's custom null comparison bugs
    if (!Util.IsNull(value)) { ... }

Getting Started

Requires Unity 2018.1 or above. Compatible with C# 4 (.NET 3.5) and above.

Either clone this repository and paste the CoreLibrary folder into your Scripts folder (or anywhere) or download directly from the Asset Store.

Then add the line

using CoreLibrary;

to the top of your file. This will usually happen automatically when you extend BaseBehaviour instead of MonoBehaviour. For now everything is included in this single namespace, in order to ease the usage of the included extension methods.


If you have any ideas, problems or feature requests, please add an issue to this project.

I will gladly accept any pull request for a feature you believe is useful for everyone. But be prepared that I might rewrite it to find the general style.


Want your name and link here? Go and send a pull request!


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details


Special thanks to Daniel Götz for constant feedback and motivated usage.

Thanks to the BII GmbH for sponsoring development.

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