XENON1T / lax

Lichens for Analyzing XENON1T
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=============================== Lichens for Analyzing XENON1T

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This package contains the stanardized event selections for XENON1T analysis.


Code organization

Lax stores event selections in classes called "Lichens". These are organized in four different files:

The selections in the sciencerun0 and sciencerun1 files are exactly as they were used in analyses supporting XENON1T's main science paper (Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 111302 <https://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.121.111302> / arXiv 1805.12562 <https://arxiv.org/abs/1805.12562>)

Applying selections

The easiest way to apply selections is to use hax.cuts.apply_lichen, see the second hax tutorial <https://github.com/XENON1T/hax/blob/master/examples/02_getting_serious.ipynb>_ for more information. Alternatively, you can annotate the events (see below), then cut on the newly created columns.

Some lichens rely on the presence of non-standard variables in your event dataframe. This is usually indicated in the lichen docstrings. The default cut sets should work from the default set of minitrees

Annotating events

For some studies, you may wish to know which events would pass which selections. For this, use the process method of the individual lichen classes. For an example, see here <https://github.com/XENON1T/lax/blob/master/examples/test_postsr1.ipynb>_.


Many XENON analysts contributed one or more event selections to lax: please see the lichen source files for details.

Development lead: Christopher Tunnell
