XcodeGirlies / SportsMeetups

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By Chelsea Garcia, Giuliana Russi, and Laura Castro

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Product Spec
  3. Wireframes
  4. Digital Wireframes & Mockups
  5. Demo Video



SportsMeetup is a community app designed to bring together like-minded individuals who enjoy playing sports, participating in tournaments, and more. Users can create posts for sports pick-up games, indicating the location and time.

Many sports enthusiasts often find themselves without a playing partner, particularly for team sports like volleyball. SportsMeetups provides an easy solution by connecting users within a specific range who are interested in playing the same sport and are open to playing with others found on the app.

The app's purpose is to simplify the process of finding individuals with similar sports interests to join in playing a game. All it takes is posting your activity, and you'll find a partner or even a whole group ready to join you in the game.

SportsMeetups functions as a mobile application where users can create an account. With this account, they can view posts about games in their area and either join existing games or create their own to invite others to join.

App Evaluation

Category: Social and Entertainment Mobile: Currently, it would be available as a mobile application only. Story: The purpose of this app is to unite a community of like-minded sports enthusiasts, facilitating game participation and fostering an active and healthy lifestyle while prioritizing safety and enjoyment. Market: The target audience includes individuals who participate in sports but encounter difficulties finding partners. However, the app is open to everyone who wishes to become more active and engage with the sports community. Habit: Users would integrate this app into their daily routine to discover nearby games and competitions. Scope: Given its specific target audience, the app's features are deliberately kept narrow and intuitive to prevent overwhelming users with excessive options. Its primary functions include finding and posting games, maintaining simplicity to avoid distractions.

Product Spec

1. User Stories (Required and Optional)

Required Must-have Stories

Optional Nice-to-have Stories

2. Screen Archetypes

Sign up

3. Navigation

We will have a tab controller bar at the bottom of each screen after login it would lead to each page when clicked on Tab Navigation (Tab to Screen)

Feed Tab -----> Feed Screen Profile Tab -----> Profile Screen Post Button -----> Post Screen

Flow Navigation (Screen to Screen)


WhatsApp Image 2024-03-28 at 8.56.10 PM

Digital Wireframes and Mockups

Link to our figma: https://www.figma.com/file/WkYcYW38ZiPAEAw9jiABAa/Sports-Meet-Up?type=design&node-id=115%3A143&mode=design&t=mrB4eq1PV3QVuROT-1

Demo Video

Link to Demo on Youtube:




youtube-video-gif (1) gif 14-03-31-956

Make a post:

youtube-video-gif (2)

View profile:
