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Auth0 callback uri does not include localhost over http #62

Closed ElijahAhianyo closed 3 years ago

ElijahAhianyo commented 3 years ago

How issue was replicated:

Screenshot from 2020-12-01 07-34-13 Screenshot from 2020-11-30 21-53-24 from the above screenshots the callback uri allowed in the auth0 application settings is https://localhost:8090/auth0/complete/auth0 hence the error above.

suggested solution

http://localhost:8090/auth0/complete/auth0 should be added to the allowed callback URIs

codecakes commented 3 years ago


  1. can you verify on your own auth0 dummy client app by replacing our env credentials with yours that you are able to access http://localhost:8090/auth0/complete/auth0 with your suggested resolve?
  2. Have you tried running it on 8000?
codecakes commented 3 years ago

On my local In PR #63 I run it like:

BAZEL_USE_CPP_ONLY_TOOLCHAIN=1 DEBUG_ENV=1 SECRET_KEY=dskaj343 CPPFLAGS="$(pg_config --cppflags)" LDFLAGS="$(pg_config --ldflags)" bazel run --spawn_strategy=standalone --copt --aspects=@bazel_tools//tools/python:srcs_version.bzl%find_requirements --verbose_failures=true --show_timestamps=true --python_version=PY3 --build_python_zip --sandbox_debug --color=yes --curses=yes --jobs=2000 --loading_phase_threads=HOST_CPUS --watchfs --action_env=LDFLAGS --action_env=CPPFLAGS --action_env=DEBUG_ENV --action_env=SECRET_KEY :manage -- runserver_plus --cert /tmp/cert localhost:8090