Xcov19 / covidX

covidX. Rapid Pandemic Task Mgmt Portal
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Open Source Helpers

We are an open community of volunteers without a commercial purpose. We believe that through a utilitarian approach, we can do the most good in the quickest time. Applying unused engineering we can help the world cope with the threat of COVID-19.

Python Version

covidX will be run on python 3.7.6 and 3.8.5

Required Services for Self-Hosting

The following steps are necessary in order to ensure that you are able to self-host your own instance of the project smoothly:

How to Run Locally Using Docker (docker-compose)

docker-compose up

The app should be built automatically on first run. Subsequent to the initial build, this same command can be repeated every time you want to start the app, without having to rebuild each time.

The local server will be visible at https://localhost:8000.

NB: To reflect changes made to .env.dev after the application has been brought up, you need to force a rebuild:

docker-compose up --build

How to Setup for Development

Setup a virtualenv and run:

CPPFLAGS="$(pg_config --cppflags)" LDFLAGS="$(pg_config --ldflags)" python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt 

How to Build

No Docker: Local Machine Developer Setup

FIRST SEE HERE: https://forum.mycovidconnect.com/d/14-how-to-contribute-backenddjangopython-devs


export DEBUG_ENV=1
CPPFLAGS="$(pg_config --cppflags)"
LDFLAGS="$(pg_config --ldflags)"
bazel build :manage --watchfs --spawn_strategy=standalone --copt --aspects=@bazel_tools//tools/python:srcs_version.bzl%find_requirements --verbose_failures=true --show_timestamps=true --python_version=PY3 --build_python_zip --sandbox_debug --color=yes --curses=yes --jobs=20 --loading_phase_threads=HOST_CPUS --action_env=LDFLAGS --action_env=CPPFLAGS --action_env=DEBUG_ENV --action_env=SECRET_KEY
bazel run -s :manage --watchfs --spawn_strategy=standalone --copt --aspects=@bazel_tools//tools/python:srcs_version.bzl%find_requirements --verbose_failures=true --show_timestamps=true --python_version=PY3 --build_python_zip --sandbox_debug --color=yes --curses=yes --jobs=200 --loading_phase_threads=HOST_CPUS --action_env=LDFLAGS --action_env=CPPFLAGS --action_env=DEBUG_ENV --action_env=SECRET_KEY -- collectstatic

With Debug Mode:

DEBUG_ENV=1 SECRET_KEY=dskaj343 CPPFLAGS="$(pg_config --cppflags)" LDFLAGS="$(pg_config --ldflags)" bazel run :manage --watchfs --spawn_strategy=standalone --copt --aspects=@bazel_tools//tools/python:srcs_version.bzl%find_requirements --verbose_failures=true --show_timestamps=true --python_version=PY3 --build_python_zip --sandbox_debug --color=yes --curses=yes --jobs=2000 --loading_phase_threads=HOST_CPUS --action_env=LDFLAGS --action_env=CPPFLAGS --action_env=DEBUG_ENV --action_env=SECRET_KEY -- runserver_plus

Without Debug Mode:

bazel run :manage --watchfs --spawn_strategy=standalone --copt --aspects=@bazel_tools//tools/python:srcs_version.bzl%find_requirements --verbose_failures=true --show_timestamps=true --python_version=PY3 --build_python_zip --sandbox_debug --color=yes --curses=yes --jobs=20 --loading_phase_threads=HOST_CPUS --action_env=LDFLAGS --action_env=CPPFLAGS --action_env=DEBUG_ENV --action_env=SECRET_KEY -- runserver_plus

Create Docker Image: Local Machine Developer Setup

(If you don't know bazel, don't bother with this section.)

Make sure to follow the steps above. Then follow these steps:

PULLER_TIMEOUT=3600 DOCKER_REPO_CACHE=$(pwd)/docker_repo_cache DEBUG_ENV=1 CPPFLAGS="$(pg_config --cppflags)" LDFLAGS="$(pg_config --ldflags)" SECRET_ID="SECRET_KEY" BUCKET_NAME="gae-bizlead" DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE="covidX.settings" WSGI_APPLICATION="covidX.wsgi.application" bazel run --watchfs --spawn_strategy=standalone --copt --aspects=@bazel_tools//tools/python:srcs_version.bzl%find_requirements --verbose_failures=true --show_timestamps=true --python_version=PY3 --build_python_zip --sandbox_debug --color=yes --curses=yes --jobs=2000 --loading_phase_threads=HOST_CPUS --action_env=LDFLAGS="$(pg_config --ldflags)" --action_env=CPPFLAGS="$(pg_config --cppflags)" --force_python=py3 --incompatible_use_python_toolchains=false  --loading_phase_threads=1 --http_timeout_scaling=2 :covidx_manage
docker run --rm -it -e SECRET_KEY=<YOUR_SECRET_KEY> -e DEBUG_ENV=1 -e CPPFLAGS="$(pg_config --cppflags)" -e LDFLAGS="$(pg_config --ldflags)" -e SECRET_ID="SECRET_KEY" -e DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE="covidX.settings" -e WSGI_APPLICATION="covidX.wsgi.application" --security-opt apparmor=unconfined bazel:covidx_manage runserver_plus

This should set you up for local development.

Installing Developer Packages

Setup a virtualenv and run:

python3 -m pip install -r requirements_dev.txt 

Google Cloud Deployment

DEPLOY like:

Enable following options on GAE:

gcloud app deploy app.yaml --verbosity=debug --stop-previous-version

Common Issues:


