Xdiad47 / QR_Employee_Attendance_System

It is a web based application. A system that takes down Employee Attendance using QR code. Every Employee is provided with a card containing a unique ID. Employee just has to scan their cards in front of camera or scanner and the system notes down their attendance as per dates. Each QR code contains a unique ID for employees. System then stores the entire Employee’ attendance records and generates defaulter list. It also generates an overall report in Excel sheet or PDF according to the requirement for admin and Supervisor. Such type of application is very useful in NGO’s as well as in Organisation or IT companies for daily attendance.
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It is a web based application. A system that takes down Employee Attendance using QR code. Every Employee is provided with a card containing a unique ID. Employee just has to scan their cards in front of camera or scanner and the system notes down their attendance as per dates. Each QR code contains a unique ID for employees. System then stores the entire Employee’ attendance records and generates defaulter list. It also generates an overall report in Excel sheet or PDF according to the requirement for admin and Supervisor. Such type of application is very useful in NGO’s as well as in Organisation or IT companies for daily attendance. It is a web based application. A system that takes down Employee
Attendance using QR code. Every Employee is provided with a card containing a unique ID. Employee just has to scan their cards in front of camera or scanner and the system notes down their attendance as per dates. Each QR code contains a unique ID for employees. System then stores the entire Employee’ attendance records and generates defaulter list. It also generates an overall report in Excel sheet or PDF according to the requirement for admin and Supervisor. Such type of application is very useful in NGO’s as well as in Organisation or IT companies for daily attendance.


The system deals with the maintaining Employee attendance taken by Supervisor. Supervisor will get assign by admin to which Department they have to take attendance. It is maintained on the daily basis of their attendance. The supervisor will be provided a platform were supervisor can easily take Employee attendance by just scanning QR code provided to Employees. Only if the Employee present on that particular Department and with the unique QR code identity. The attendance will be calculated on the basic of the Employee mark as present. The Employee’s attendance report can be generated by the Supervisor according to their requirement.

QR code structure What is a QR Code? The QR Code is a two-dimensional version of the barcode, known from product packaging in the supermarket. Originally developed for process optimization in the logistics of the automotive industry, the QR Code has found its way into mobile marketing with the widespread adoption of smartphones. "QR" stands for "Quick Response", which refers to the instant access to the information hidden in the Code. QR Codes are gaining popularity because the technology is "open source", i.e. available for everyone. Significant advantages of QR Codes over conventional barcodes are larger data capacity and high fault tolerance. How is a QR Code structured? The black and white checkered pixel patterns appear at first glance to be a small crossword puzzle and seem to be composed at random. But if you look closely, certain structures can be identified. For the scanner to recognize a QR Code as such, the Code must always be square. A number of additional elements ensure that the information is read correctly. AIMS OF THE PROJECT:

The main aim of this project is to computerized the attendance system and reduce time consumption and also give Attendance report to Supervisor. This project has the following objectives:-

To develop a QR code generator using PHP
To develop an attendance Management System 

Working of the Existing System:

• Existing System is a manual entry for the Employees.

• Attendance will be carried out in the hand written registers and put it on the MS excel.

• Attendance is taking in daily basis by manually on the register and at the end of the month they uploaded to ms excel.

• By the help of the register they calculate the salary by manual via MS excel or by calculator.

• Number of leaves is calculating by counting the number of days he or she is absent by:-

• Employee on a salary: • Annual salary % 52 (no. of weeks in a year)= weekly pay • Weekly pay % 7(no. of days in working week) = daily pay • Example: if the employee’s annual salary(before tax) is Rs. 200000 • Rs.200000 ÷ 52 = Rs.3,846.15385 (weekly pay) • Rs. 3,846.15385 ÷ 7 = Rs.549.45055(daily pay)

These are the following drawbacks with the existing system:

Difficulty in report generating: They require more calculations and it takes time to generate the report and it may happen that the students may not get a single chance to improve their attendance.

Lots of paperwork: Existing system requires lot of paper work. Loss of even a single register/record led to difficult situation because all the papers are needed to generate the reports.

Time consuming: Every work is done manually so they cannot generate report in the middle of the session or as per the requirement because it is very time consuming.

Proposed system:

The proposed system uses QR-code method for authenticating Employees with a unique QR-code that represents their unique id. Every Employee is provided with a card that contains the QR-code. Features of Proposed system: • The QR code is used instead of manual login. • The QR code is a two-dimensional code which has black square arranged on a white background which efficiently stores data. • A QR code can be embedded anywhere, here it is embedded on the ID card. • The QR code could be scanned by camera or QR code Scanner. • QR codes are unique so it differs from one employee to other. • After Scanning the QR code the system will generate a report that contains the number of presents and absentees. • This system will also generate the salary cutting of absentees.