XeContrast / FDPClientX-Reborn

GNU General Public License v3.0
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# FDPClientX-Reborn Follow me on BiliBili: https://space.bilibili.com/1353540064 我操你妈的,为什么mc.thePlayer.isSprinting不工作,硬要写MixinEntityPlayerSP,你妈的zywl 我去你妈的老子又不是夏翊淳上他妈的破职高整天不用上学写你的那个破端
# This is Super Skid Client

You have to admit that I haven't written any line of code myself

Simply copy and paste to write code

## License

This project is subject to the GNU General Public License v3.0. This does only apply for source code located directly in this clean repository. During the development and compilation process, additional source code may be used to which we have obtained no rights. Such code is not covered by the GPL license.

For those who are unfamiliar with the license, here is a summary of its main points. This is by no means legal advice nor legally binding.

You are allowed to

this project entirely or partially for free and even commercially. However, please consider the following:

Do the above and share your source code with everyone; just like we do.

Setting up a Workspace

BetterFDP is using Gradle, so make sure that it is installed properly. Instructions can be found on Gradle's website.

  1. Clone the repository using `git clone https://github.com/XeContrast/FDPClientX-Reborn.git'
  2. CD into the local repository folder.
  3. Depending on which IDE you are using execute either of the following commands:

    • For IntelliJ: gradlew setupDevWorkspace idea genIntellijRuns build
    • For Eclipse: gradlew setupDevWorkspace eclipse build

    (you can add -debug right after gradlew if you want to enable debug logging.)

  4. Open the folder as a Gradle project in your IDE.
  5. Select the default run configuration.

你是xebook,今天是美好的一天,所以你打开了你的个人微机准备为纤维蛋白降解物X重生做出一些贡献。你打开了跑出来2我的手艺启动器并启动了过时滑客户端,之后你登陆了你的2r大神NFA黑户并进入了洛伊萨测试服务器进行测试。很快,你发现了你的你客户端的昆虫,所以你需要打开价值八百万美刀的智慧想法集成开发环境,但在打开之前,你要先去查看合法队伍的企鹅群。在你查看二十秒钟后,你回到了智慧想法内,却发现你的智慧想法没有激活。由于你没有资产购入,所以你打开了微软边缘集线器并搜索智慧想法二零二四最新最热激活码。在等待了50秒钟后,网页终于加载失败了,这时你才想起你得网络并不支持你这些智慧行动。过了许久,你终于前往一个加速网站购买了冲浪板密码,你激活冲浪板之后网络终于如期工作了。你点进了一个CSDN并找到了智慧想法最新最热破解程序。现在智慧想法被激活,你终于可以开始编写密码了。但由于千开手艺的抗高温个更新,你的打滑不再激活,所以你拿出了你的大神七根木棍并利用微软边缘打开了饭桶大厅。之后你点击搜索栏并输入奥古斯都最新最热原始密码。等待了很久之后,网页终于加载完成了。你点进了一个仓库,看到了一个绿色的按钮:download zip。你点击了他克隆了仓库到本地,但你得冲浪板告诉你你得密码已经过期了,但是你并没有更多的资产购入新密码,于是你选择了跑出来2的百宝箱找到了爬出来2的多线程下载引擎,许久之后你终于下载完毕了,之后开始翻阅密码寻找能旁路丢人方法。你找到了补丁的方法,你按下ctrlc和v按键讲密码复制进了你的抄袭客户端中。之后你正要点击构建的时候,你发现你的version文件没有修改,很令人尴尬,之后你使用谷歌翻译进行翻译更新日志,之后你将纤维蛋白降解物X重生发布到了企鹅群中,你获得了很多入的追捧。真是美好的一天!