Xen0o2 / vinted-monitor

NPM package to stay informed of the release of new items on Vinted
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The first version of vinted-monitor allows you to monitor Vinted URL, looking for certains items.


npm install vinted-monitor


import VintedMonitor from "vinted-monitor";

Create a new Monitor

// Create the Monitor
const Monitor = new VintedMonitor();
// OR
const Monitor = new VintedMonitor(5 * 60 * 1000);
// Will take items that were released less than 5 minutes ago
// Default value is 1 hour

// Now, watch for 1 or more Vinted URL

// Finally, create a function that will be executed
// when a new item is detected
Monitor.onItemFound(item => {
    console.log("I detect a new Item !");
    console.log("I found this item using this url", item.info.searchUrl);
    console.log("This item has been posted by", item.user.login);
    console.log("The item name is", item.info.title);
    console.log("This item costs", item.info.price, "€");
    console.log("This item was posted on", item.info.date.toString());

// You can stop watching a Vinted URL

And many others variables are available !