Xenomes / Domoticz-TinyTUYA-Plugin

A bridge between Tinytuya and Domoticz
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domoticz tinytuya tuya


TUYA Plugin for Domoticz home automation

Controls TUYA devices your network mainly on/off switches and Lights and in the future maybe more devices.


The plugin make use of the project Tinytuya there for is a IoT Cloud Platform account needed, for setup up see https://github.com/jasonacox/tinytuya step 3 or see PDF https://github.com/jasonacox/tinytuya/files/12836816/Tuya.IoT.API.Setup.v2.pdf for the best compatibility, set your devices to 'DP instruction' in the device settings under iot.tuya.com.

Native Domoticz

Python version 3.8 or higher required & Domoticz version 2022.2 or greater.

To install:

Domoticz Docker

To install:


To update:

Native Domoticz

Domoticz Docker

Subscription expired

Is your subscription to cloud development plan expired, you can extend it HERE


Enter your apiRegion, apiKey, apiSecret and Search deviceID (This id is used to detect all the other devices), keep the setting 'Data Timeout' disabled. A deviceID can be found on your IOT account of Tuya got to Cloud => your project => Devices => Pick one of you device ID. The initial setup of your devices should be done with the app and this plugin will detect/use the same settings and automatically find/add the devices into Domoticz.


In the web UI, navigate to the Hardware page. In the hardware dropdown there will be an entry called "TinyTUYA" configure and add the hardware there.

Test device

I had only a RGBWW light to fully test the script, if there is a fuction missing in the plugin you can provide the json data for you device by edit and running the debug_discovery.py in the tools directory and posted in issues on Github.

Change log

Version Information
1.8.5 Add Lawn Mower
1.8.6 Fix scaling issue with some values
1.8.7 Changed energy calculation by DKTigra
1.8.8 Fix for waterleak sensor
1.8.9 Fix for devices with no ip

The full Change log

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