Xeo786 / Rufaydium-Webdriver

GNU General Public License v3.0
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alt text


AutoHotkey WebDriver Library to interact with browsers. Rufaydium will automatically try to download the latest Webdriver and updates Webdriver according to browser Version while creating Webdriver Session.

Supported browsers: Chrome, MS Edge, Firefox, Opera.

Forum: https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=102616

Rufaydium utilizes Rest API of W3C from https://www.w3.org/TR/webdriver2/ and also supports Chrome Devtools Protocols same as chrome.ahk


No need to install / setup Selenium, Rufaydium is AHK's Selenium and is more flexible than selenium.

If you want to support my work just "Buy Me A Coffee"

How to use

#Include Rufaydium.ahk
    Load "chromedriver.exe" from "A_ScriptDir"
    In case Driver is not yet available, it will Download "chromedriver.exe" into "A_ScriptDir"
    before starting the Driver.
Chrome := new Rufaydium("chromedriver.exe")

    Create new session if WebBrowser Version Matches the Webdriver Version.
    It will ask to download the compatible WebDriver if not present.
Page := Chrome.NewSession()
; navigate to url

Chrome.QuitAllSessions() ; close all session 
Chrome.Driver.Exit() ; then exits driver

New Rufaydium(DriverName,Parameters)

Rundriver() Class integrated into Rufaydium.ahk that launches driver in the background where port 9515 set to default,

Chrome := new Rufaydium() ; will Download/Load Chrome driver as "chromedriver.exe" is default DriverName
MSEdge := new Rufaydium("msedgedriver.exe","--port=9516") ; will Download/Load MS Edge driver communication port will be 9516
Firefox := new Rufaydium("geckodriver.exe") ; will Download/Load geckodriver for Firefox
Opera := new Rufaydium("operadriver.exe") ; will Download/Load operadriver


  1. Driver will be downloaded into A_ScriptDir and old driver will be moved to A_ScriptDir "\Backup"
  2. Driver will not run if Port is occupied. Make sure to not run different drivers with the same port. i.e. trying to run Chromedriver and Edgedriver with the same port.

Driver Default port

Rufaydium now supports 4 WebDrivers and has one default port; it will not run if the Port is already in use. We need to run the driver with a separate port using Driver Parameters, or we need to exit the already running driver and run a different driver if we want to use the same port.
Rufaydium has default ports for every driver to resolve this conflict:

Driver Name Ports
chromedriver 9515
msedgedriver 9516
geckodriver 9517
operadriver 9518
unknownDriver 9519
bravedriver 9515

note: BraveDriver Parameter will download chromedriver but utilizes a separate BraveCapabailities class specificall for Brave browser's settings.

Driver Parameters

Parameters are WebDriver.exe CMD arguments.
Options can vary according to different drivers and we can also check these arguments

MsgBox, % Clipboard := RunDriver.help(Driverexelocation)

; Above MsgBox returns the following information if using chromedriver:
Usage: chromedriver.exe [OPTIONS]
  --port=PORT                     port to listen on
  --adb-port=PORT                 adb server port
  --log-path=FILE                 write server log to file instead of stderr, increases log level to INFO
  --log-level=LEVEL               set log level: ALL, DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, SEVERE, OFF
  --verbose                       log verbosely (equivalent to --log-level=ALL)
  --silent                        log nothing (equivalent to --log-level=OFF)
  --append-log                    append log file instead of rewriting
  --replayable                    (experimental) log verbosely and don't truncate long strings so that the log can be replayed.
  --version                       print the version number and exit
  --url-base                      base URL path prefix for commands, e.g. wd/url
  --readable-timestamp            add readable timestamps to log
  --enable-chrome-logs            show logs from the browser (overrides other logging options)
  --allowed-ips=LIST              comma-separated allowlist of remote IP addresses which are allowed to connect to ChromeDriver
  --allowed-origins=LIST          comma-separated allowlist of request origins which are allowed to connect to ChromeDriver. Using `*` to allow any host origin is dangerous!

Hide / UnHide Driver CMD window

Chrome := new Rufaydium()
Chrome.Driver.visible := true ; will unhide
Chrome.Driver.visible := false ; will hide

Script reloading

We can reload the script as many times as we want, but the driver will be active in the process so we can have control over all the sessions created through WebDriver so far. We can also close the Driver process, but this will cause issues as we can no longer access any session created through WebDriver. its better to use Session.exit() then Chrome.Driver.Exit().

; to download and Run chromeDriver.exe using port 10280
Chrome := new Rufaydium("chromedriver.exe","--port=10280")
; to close driver 
; to close and Delete Driver.exe

Driver Status

Chrome := new Rufaydium()
msgbox, % " Chrome.Status()
msgbox, % ".Build.Version : " Chrome.Build.Version
.    "`n.OS Name : "    Chrome.OS.Name 
.    "`n.OS.Arch : "    Chrome.OS.Arch
.    "`n.OS.Version : " Chrome.OS.Version
.    "`n.Message : "    Chrome.Message
.    "`n.Ready : "      Chrome.Ready

Driver Location

if a Specific driver i.e. chromedriver is running already and occupying a specific port, Rufaydium will access that driver with driver i.e. chromedriver, while ignoring the given Location and Update the correction process location to Driver.Location

Chrome1 := new Rufaydium("D:\chromedriver.exe","--port=9555")
Chrome2 := new Rufaydium("E:\chromedriver.exe","--port=9555") ;reaccess already running driver
L1 := Chrome1.Driver.Location
L2 := Chrome2.Driver.Location
Msgbox, L1 "`n" L2 "both location are through 1 driver process and port"

Handling Multiple Driver

It is better to create multiple session over single driver process, Rufaydium can also handle multiple driver executables. In the Following example Chrome2 and chrome3 sharing same chromedriver.exe but chrome1 is run from different location and different port

Chrome1 := new Rufaydium(A_desktop "\chromedriver.exe","--port=9226")
Chrome2 := new Rufaydium()
Chrome3 := new Rufaydium() ; reaccess existing driver
msgbox, % "Driver 1 Name :" Chrome1.Driver.Name
.       "`nDriver 1 Port :" Chrome1.Driver.Port
.       "`nDriver 1 Dest :" Chrome1.Driver.Location
.       "`nDriver 2 Name :" Chrome2.Driver.Name
.       "`nDriver 2 Port :" Chrome2.Driver.Port
.       "`nDriver 2 Dest :" Chrome2.Driver.Location
.       "`nDriver 3 Name :" Chrome2.Driver.Name
.       "`nDriver 3 Port :" Chrome2.Driver.Port
.       "`nDriver 3 Dest :" Chrome2.Driver.Location

msgbox, % Chrome1.status() "`n`nPress Ok to close drive Drive from Chrome1"
Chrome1.Driver.Exit() ; then exits driver
msgbox, % Chrome2.status() "`n`nPress Ok to close drive Drive from Chrome2"
Chrome2.Driver.Exit() ; then exits driver

; Chrome3.status() "`n`nthis will cause error as Chrome2 and Chrome3 were same Diver executable"
; Chrome3.Driver.Exit() ; already exited with chrome2

Capabilities Class

One can access and use Capabilities after 'New Rufaydium()'
Rufaydium will load Driver Capabilities according to the specified Driver.
Makes changes to capabilities before creating a session.

Chrome := new Rufaydium() ; will load Chrome driver with default Capabilities
Chrome.capabilities.setUserProfile("Default") ; can use Default user 

; can change user profile Data Dir, but location: "D:\Profile Dir\Profile 1" must exist
Chrome.capabilities.setUserProfile("Profile 1","D:\Profile Dir\") 

; New Session will be created according to above Capabilities settings
Session := Chrome.NewSession()

Enable HeadlessMode

This will SET and GET HeadlessMode

Browser.capabilities.HeadlessMode := true
MsgBox, % Browser.capabilities.HeadlessMode

Enable Incognito Mode

This will SET and GET Incognito mode

Browser.capabilities.IncognitoMode := true
MsgBox, % Browser.capabilities.IncognitoMode

Note after Setting IncognitoMode := true .setUserProfile() would not work


User prompt handler can be assigned using UserPrompt, which decides handling procedure of Browser alerts/messages

Following parameters are allowed Keyword State Description
dismiss Dismiss state All Alert prompt should be dismissed.
accept Accept state All Alert prompt should be accepted.
dismiss and notify Dismiss and notify state All Alert prompt should be dismissed, and an error returned that the dialog was handled.
accept and notify Accept and notify state All Alert prompt should be accepted, and an error returned that the dialog was handled.
ignore Ignore state All Alert prompt should be left to the user to handle.
MsgBox, % Browser.capabilities.UserPrompt ; default useprompt is dismiss
Browser.capabilities.UserPrompt := "ignore"

Enable CrossOriginFrame

This will Set and Get CrossOriginFrame access

Browser.capabilities.useCrossOriginFrame := true
MsgBox, % Browser.capabilities.useCrossOriginFrame

Setting / Removing Args

Command-line arguments to use when starting Chrome. See here

Chrome := new Rufaydium()


We can also load Chromium-based browsers, for example, the Brave browser is based on chromium and can be controlled using the ChromeDriver, SetBinary has been Merged into NewSession(binary_location) method

other methods

Chrome := new Rufaydium()
; most of the options that are included as capabilities method are defined here https://chromedriver.chromium.org/capabilities#h.p_ID_106
Chrome.capabilities.Addextensions(extensionloaction) ; will load extensions
Chrome.capabilities.AddexcludeSwitches("enable-automation") ; will load Chrome without default args
Chrome.capabilities.DebugPort(9255) ; will change port for debuggerAddress


Timeout can be define at any level/time/place,

Browser := new Rufaydium(driver,params)
ResolveTimeout := ConnectTimeout := SendTimeout := ReceiveTimeout := 3 * 1000
Broswer.SetTimeouts(ResolveTimeout, ConnectTimeout, SendTimeout, ReceiveTimeout)

read about Settimeouts

Rufaydium Sessions

New Session

Create a session after Setting up capabilities.
We can skip capabilities, as the session will load default Capabilities based on the Driver used. The default Capabilities should work with any Driver.

Note: In case the WebDriver version is mismatched with the browser version, Rufaydium will ask to update the driver and update the WebDriver automatically and load the new driver and create a session.
This ability is supported for the Chrome and MS Edge web browsers for now.

Chrome := new Rufaydium("chromedriver.exe")
Session := Chrome.NewSession()

Using WebDriver with different Browsers

Brave uses chromedriver.exe, by simply passing Browser.exe (referred binary) into NewSession() method

Brave := new Rufaydium() ; Brave browser support chromedriver.exe
; New Session will be created using Brave browser, 
Session := Brave.NewSession("C:\Program Files\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\Application\brave.exe")
Brave.Session() ; will always open new Brave session until we reset 
Brave.Capabilities.Resetbinary() ; reset binary to driver default
Brave.Session() ; will create Chrome session as we have loaded Chrome driver

this way we can load All Chromium Based browsers

Getting Existing Sessions

We can also access sessions created previously using the title or URL.

Msgbox, % json.dump(Chrome.Sessions()) ; will return all Webdriver Sessions detail

Session := Chrome.getSession(1) ; this will return with Session by number sequencing from first created to latest created and switch to Active TAB

Session := Chrome.getSession(1,2) ; this will return with first session and switch Second tab, Tabs count from left to right
Session := Chrome.getSessionByUrl(URL)
Session2 := Chrome.getSessionByTitle(Title)

Note: above methods are based on httpserver\sessions command which is not W3C standard. Rufaydium uses AHK's functions ReadIni, WriteIni & DeleteIni, to store and parse Session IDs by creating ActiveSessions.ini at GeckoDriver location, therefore getSessionByUrl() & getSessionByTitle() now support Firefox sessions too, this way Rufaydium can continue geckodriver Sessions, or multiple AHK scripts can control Firefox.

FF := new Rufaydium("geckodriver.exe")
Page := FF.NewSession() ; session id will be saved to ini for access after reloading script

Session Auto Delete

A session created by a driver can be closed by the user, Driver takes time to respond to any command in this kind of situation because Session was not closed for the driver,

Session auto-delete will delete Session for a driver when a web page is not reachable/closed by the user, this automated step will be taken on any Rufaydium's method after the web page is manually/accidentally closed to overcome driver response lag,

Session.NewTab() & Session.NewWindow()

Creates and switches to a new tab or New Window


Creates new tab and New Window without switching to it



returns Page title

MsgBox, % Session.Title


returns Page HTML

MsgBox, % Session.HTML


return Page URL

MsgBox, % Session.url
Session.url := "https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/posting.php?mode=edit&f=6&p=456008"


Refresh the web page and wait until it gets refreshed.

MsgBox, Page refresh complete


Tells if the page is ready or not by Returning a Boolean, this will be helpful for Session.CDP()

note: this function is not W3C standard will work only with Chromedriver

MsgBox, % Session.IsLoading()


Navigates to the requested URL


Multiple url can be navigated at once

TabId := Session.currentTab
Session.Switch(TabId) ; returned to previous tab

Session.Back() & Session.Forward()

helps navigate to previous or from previous to recent the page acting like browser back and forward buttons.

SwitchTab(), SwitchbyTitle() & SwitchbyURL(), ActiveTab()

Help to switch between tabs.

Session.SwitchTab(2) ; switch tab by number, counted from left to right
Session.ActiveTab() ; Switch to active tab. Note: this does not work for firefox, right now.

Session window position and location

; Getting window position and location
sessionrect := Session.Getrect()
MsgBox, % json.dump(sessionrect)
; set session window position and location
Srect := Session.SetRect(20,30,500,400) ; x, y, w, h 
; error handling
if Srect.error
    MsgBox, % Srect.error
; setting rect will return rect array
rect := Session.SetRect(1,1) ; this maximize to cover full screen and while taking care of taskbar
MsgBox, % json.Dump(rect)
; sometime we only want to play with x or y 
Session.x := 30
MsgBox, % session.y
; this also return whole rect as well ; not just height and also 
k := Session.height := A_ScreenHeight - (A_ScreenHeight * 5 / 100)
if !k.error
    MsgBox, json.dump(k)

Session.Maximize() ; this will Maximize session window
windowrect := Session.Minimize() ; this will minimize session window
if !windowrect.error ; error handling 
    MsgBox, % json.dump(windowrect) ; if not error return with window rect

; following will turn full screen mode on
MsgBox, % Json.Dump(Session.FullScreen()) ; return with rect, you can see x and y are zero h w are full screen sizes
; this simply turn fullscreen mode of

Session.Close() and Session.Exit()

Session.Close() Close Session window Session.Exit() terminate Session by closing all windows.

Chrome := new Rufaydium()
Page1 := Chrome.NewSession()
Page1.NewTab()  ; create new window / tab but Page1 session pointer will remain same 
Page1.Navigate("https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?t=94276") ; navigating 2nd tab
; Page1.close() ; will close the active window / tab
Page1.exit() ; will close all windows / tabs will end up closing whole session 

Switching Between Window Tabs & Frame

One can Switch tabs using Session.SwitchbyTitle(Title) or Session.SwitchbyURL(url="") but Session remains the same If you check out the above examples, I posted you would easily understand how switching Tab works.

Just like Switching tabs, one can Switch to any Frame but the session pointer will remain the same.

alt text

According to the above image, we have 1 session having three tabs

Example for TAB 1

Session.SwitchbyURL(tab1url) ; to switch to TAB 1
; tab 1 has total 3 Frame
MsgBox, % Session.FramesLength() ; this will return Frame quantity 2 from Main frame 
Session.Frame(0) ; switching to frame A
Session.getElementByID(someid) ; this will get element from frame A
; now we cannot switch to frame B directly we need to go to main frame / main page
Session.ParentFrame() ; switch back to parent frame
Session.Frame(1) ; switching to frame B
Session.getElementByID(someid) ; this will get element from frame B
; frame B also has a nested frame we can switch to frame BA because its inside frame B
Session.Frame(0) ; switching to frame BA
Session.getElementByID(someid) ; this will get element from frame BA
Session.ParentFrame() ; switch back to Frame B
Session.ParentFrame() ; switch back to Main Page / Main frame

Example for TAB 2

Session.SwitchbyURL(tab2url) ; to switch to TAB 2
; tab 1 also has total 3 frames
MsgBox, % Session.FramesLength() ; this will return Frame quantity 3
Session.Frame(0) ; switching to frame X
Session.ParentFrame() ; switch back to Main Page / Main frame
Session.Frame(1) ; switching to frame Y
Session.ParentFrame() ; switch back to Main Page / Main frame
Session.Frame(2) ; switching to frame Z
Session.ParentFrame() ; switch back to Main Page / Main frame

Example for TAB 3

Session.SwitchbyURL(tab3url) ; to switch to TAB 3
MsgBox, % Session.FramesLength() ; this will return Frame quantity which is Zero because TAB 3 has no frame

Note: Switching frame would not work for Session.CDP

Error Handling

Error Handling works with all methods, except methods that return an Element pointer Few common functionalities

Accessing Element / Elements

The following methods return with an element pointer.

Element := Session.getElementByID(id)
Element := Session.QuerySelector(Path)
Element := Session.QuerySelectorAll(Path)
Element := Session.getElementsbyClassName(Class)
Element := Session.getElementsbyName(Name) 
Element := Session.getElementsbyTagName(TagName)
Element := Session.getElementsbyXpath(xPath)

Getting element(s) from the element Just like DOM

element := Session.querySelector(".Someclass")
ChildElements := element.querySelectorAll("#someID")

Getting Parent and Child elements

e := Page.QuerySelector("#keywords")
parentelement := e.parentElement
for n, child in parentelement.children
    msgbox, % "index: " n "`nTagName: " child.tagname

Above methods are based on .findelement()/.findelements()


We can check the element's length

elements := Session.querySelectorAll(Path)
MsgBox, % elements.count()

See accessing table

by Class

Class by
    static selector := "css selector"
    static Linktext := "link text"
    static Plinktext := "partial link text"
    static TagName := "tag name"
    static XPath    := "xpath"

Accessing Tables

There are many ways to access the table you can use the JavaScript function to extract Session.ExecuteSync(JS) or Session.CDP.Evaluate(JS) but an easy and simple way is to utilize AHK for loops. Looping through the table is a little bit slow because one Rufaydium step consists of 3 steps

1) Json.Dump() 2) WinHTTP Request 3) Json.load()

Looping through tables takes lots of steps, so it's better to use Session.ExecuteSync(JS) to read huge tables and do it much faster if we just want to extract table data and do not have to interact with tables

Note: Following method will only works when InnerText return with tabs and line breaks

; reading thousand rows lighting fast
Table := Session.QuerySelectorAll("table")[1].innerText
Tablearray := []
for r, row in StrSplit(Table,"`n") 
for c, cell in StrSplit(row,"`t")
;MsgBox, % "Row: " r " Col:" C "`nText:" cell
Tablearray[r,c] := cell
MsgBox, % Tablearray[1,5]


returns handle for focused/active element, this function can also act as a bridge between Session.CDP and Session.Basic

element := Session.ActiveElement() ; now we have access of element which we previously focused using CDP

Handling Session alerts popup messages

Session.Alert("GET") ; getting text from pop up msg
Session.Alert("accept") ; pressing OK / accept pop up msg
Session.Alert("dismiss") ; pressing cancel / dismiss pop up msg
Session.Alert("Send","some text")  ; sending a Alert / pop up msg 

Tacking Screen Shots accept only png file format

Session.Screenshot("picture location.png") ; will save PNG to A_ScriptDir
Session.Screenshot(a_desktop "\picture location.png") ; will save PNG to a_desktop
Session.CaptureFullSizeScreenShot(a_desktop "\fullPage.png") ; will save full page screenshot

PDF printing

WebDriver only Supports headless mode printing. but Rufaydium now supports Headful mode printing thanks to "wkhtmltopdf" Rufaydium will ask to download and install wkhtmltopdf, if wkhtmltopdf is not available in windows,

please follow terms and condition from wkhtmltopdf

Printing pdf with wkhtmltopdf

Print() Method is same but defining Printing Options is not mandatory and PrintOptions class can also be used with wkhtmltopdf.

Session.print(PDFlocation,PrintOptions.A4_Default) ; see Class PrintOptions
Session.print(PDFlocation) ; no need for print options

Wkhtmltopdf command-line parameters as Options for advanced printing

params := "--zoom 2 --margin-bottom 0 --margin-left 0 --margin-right 0 --margin-top 0 --page-height 0"

Note: Printing PDF from nested frame is a bit tricky but see example

Headless Mode Printing

for Headless mode printing, we need to describe PrintOptions which is mandatory see the following example

Session.print(PDFlocation,PrintOptions.A4_Default) ; see Class PrintOptions
Session.print(PDFlocation,{"":""}) ; for default print options

Class PrintOptions

PrintOptions to make custom PrintOptions

Class PrintOptions ; https://www.w3.org/TR/webdriver2/#print
    static A4_Default =
    ( LTrim Join
        "width": 50,
        "height": 60
        "top": 2,
        "bottom": 2,
        "left": 2,
        "right": 2
    "scale": 1,
    "orientation": "portrait",
    "shrinkToFit": json.true,
    "background": json.true

Session inputs events

Session.move(x,y) ;move mouse pointer to location
Session.click() ; sending left click on moved location ; [button: 0(left) | 1(middle) | 2(right)]
Session.DoubleClick() ; sending double left click on moved location ; [button: 0(left) | 1(middle) | 2(right)]
Session.MBDown() ; sending mouse left click down on moved location ; [button: 0(left) | 1(middle) | 2(right)]
Session.MBup() ; sending mouse left click up on moved location ; [button: 0(left) | 1(middle) | 2(right)]
; now you can understand how to drag and drop stuff  read about element location rect and size further down below 

Session Cookies

Session.GetCookies() ; return with object array of cookies you need to parse then and understand 
Session.GetCookieName(Name) ; return with cookie with Name haven't tested it 
Session.AddCookie(CookieObj) ; will add cookie idk request parameters for adding cookies

Use JSON.Dump() to determine the cookie's attributes.

Msgbox, %  JSON.Dump(Session.GetCookies())
[{"domain": ".autohotkey.com", "expiry": 1654584141, "httpOnly": 0, "name": "_gat_gtag_UA_5170375_17", "path": "/", "secure": 0, "value": "1"}, 
{"domain": ".autohotkey.com", "expiry": 1654670481, "httpOnly": 0, "name": "_gid", "path": "/", "secure": 0, "value": "GA1.2.1414453342.1654584081"}, 
{"domain": ".autohotkey.com", "expiry": 1717656081, "httpOnly": 0, "name": "_ga", "path": "/", "secure": 0, "value": "GA1.2.1530957962.1654584081"}]

An example of retrieving all cookies. Some results may return blank if the cookie doesn't have that attribute.

cookies := Session.GetCookies() ; https://developer.chrome.com/docs/extensions/reference/cookies/#type-Cookie
Loop % cookies.Length()
    MsgBox, % cookies[A_Index].Domain   ; .autohotkey.com   
    MsgBox, % cookies[A_Index].Expiry   ; 1654584321    
    MsgBox, % cookies[A_Index].HostOnly ; 
    MsgBox, % cookies[A_Index].HttpOnly ; 0
    MsgBox, % cookies[A_Index].Name ; _gat_gtag_UA_1234567_89
    MsgBox, % cookies[A_Index].Path ; /
    MsgBox, % cookies[A_Index].SameSite ;    
    MsgBox, % cookies[A_Index].Secure   ; 0
    MsgBox, % cookies[A_Index].Session  ; 
    MsgBox, % cookies[A_Index].StoreId  ; 
    MsgBox, % cookies[A_Index].Value    ; 1

An example of retrieving a single cookie by name.

var := Session.GetCookieName("CFID")
MsgBox, % var.Domain " | " var.Expiry " | " var.Value ; etc.


Available web driver Elements methods.

Element.Name() ; will return tagname
Element.Rect() ; will return position and size
Element.enabled() ; will return Boolean true for enabled or false disabled 
Element.Selected() ; will return Boolean true for Selected or false not selected this will come handy for dropdown lists or combo list selecting options
Element.Displayed() ; will return Boolean true for visible element / false for invisible element

; inputs and event triggers 
Element.Submit() ; this will trigger existing event(s)
Element.SendKey("text string " . key.class ) ; this convert text and will send key event to element and see Key.class for special keys 
Element.SendKey(key.ctrl "a" key.delete) ; this will clear text content in edit box by simply doing Ctrl + A and  delete
Element.Click() ; sent simple click
Element.Move() ; move mouse pointer to that element it will help drag drop stuff see session.click and session.move 
Element.onchange() ; to dispatch onchange() event
Element.clear() ; will clear selected item / uploaded file or content text 

; Attribs properties & CSS
Element.GetAttribute(Name) ; return with required attribute
Element.GetProperty(Name) ; return with required Property
Element.GetCSS(Name) ; return with CSS

; element Shadow
Element.Shadow() ; return with shadow element detail actually I going to add functionality to access shadow elements in future
; first I need to learn about them

Element.Sendkey(StrReplace(filelocation,"\","/")) ; if Element is input element than file location can be set using SendKey()
; click on upload button now initiate fileupload, after setting file location

Getting web driver Elements information.

e := Page.querySelector(selector) ; getting element 
msgbox % e.innerText
msgbox % "TagName: " e.TagName "`nName: " e.Name "`nID: " e.id "`nTitle: " e.Title "`nClass: " e.Class "`nValue: " e.value
msgbox, % e.InnerHTML
msgbox, % e.outerHTML
msgbox, % "href: " e.href "`nSrc: " e.src

Setting / Changing Web Driver Elements information.

e.Name := "abcd"
e.id := "Mywords"
e.Title := "My Title"
e.Class := "My Class"
e.value := "My Value"
newhtml = <button name="Rufaydium" id="MyButton" >Rufaydium</button>
e.outerHTML := newhtml 
e.InnerHTML := newhtml 
e.href := url
e.src := url

Note: Element manipulation is not available for Rufaydium basic, versions less than 1.6.3

Shadow Elements

Shadow elements can easily be accessed using element.shadow(). The following example will navigate to the Chrome extensions page and enables Developer mode

Chrome := new Rufaydium()
Page := Chrome.getSessionByUrl("chrome://extensions")
if !isobject(page)
Page := Chrome.NewSession()


Class Key
    static Unidentified := "\uE000"
    static Cancel:= "\uE001"
    static Help:= "\uE002"
    static Backspace:= "\uE003"
    static Tab:= "\uE004"
    static Clear:= "\uE005"
    static Return:= "\uE006"
    static Enter:= "\uE007"
    static Shift:= "\uE008"
    static Control:= "\uE009"
    static Ctrl:= "\uE009"
    static Alt:= "\uE00A"
    static Pause:= "\uE00B"
    static Escape:= "\uE00C"
    static Space:= "\uE00D"
    static PageUp:= "\uE00E"
    static PageDown:= "\uE00F"
    static End:= "\uE010"
    static Home:= "\uE011"
    static ArrowLeft:= "\uE012"
    static ArrowUp:= "\uE013"
    static ArrowRight:= "\uE014"
    static ArrowDown:= "\uE015"
    static Insert:= "\uE016"
    static Delete:= "\uE017"
    static F1:= "\uE031"
    static F2:= "\uE032"
    static F3:= "\uE033"
    static F4:= "\uE034"
    static F5:= "\uE035"
    static F6:= "\uE036"
    static F7:= "\uE037"
    static F8:= "\uE038"
    static F9:= "\uE039"
    static F10:= "\uE03A"
    static F11:= "\uE03B"
    static F12:= "\uE03C"
    static Meta:= "\uE03D"
    static ZenkakuHankaku:= "\uE040"    


We can interact with a page using Actions(interactions*) method, interactions are generated using Mouse, Scroll Keyboard Classes based on Actions Class. Sending Empty Actions() method would release/stop ongoing action.

Session.Actions(Interaction1,Interaction2,interaction3) ; read Action class for Interactions

Session.Actions() ; stop onging action

Actions Class

Action class that help generating Webdriver Actions Payload for Session.Actions() method, extends from Mouse, Scroll Keyboard Classes (hereinafter referred to as "interaction/interactions" ), action payloads should be casesensitive and has specific parameters for concerning "pointerType", so these classes not only helps generating them, but also make them easy to understand.

Following methods inherited to Mouse, Scroll and Keyboard Classes, generate a interaction Objects that later translated to Webdriver Actions payload, hereinafter referred to as "Event/Events creations"

Pause(duration) create event of "pause" to cause delay between interactions, where default 'duration' is 100

cancel() create 'pointerCancel' event

Clear() resets interaction by deleting all delete Events

note: One interaction Class Object has multiple events

Mouse Class

Mouse Class generates event/interaction Objects 'Type' "pointer" that later translated to Webdriver Actions payload when submitted as parameters to Session.Actions().

interaction := New mouse(pointerType) accepts 'pointerType' as parameter which can be "mouse", "pen", or "touch", where default pointerType is mouse, return interaction Class object.

mouse.Clear() resets interaction by deleting all delete Events.

mouse.cancel() create 'pointerCancel' event, which act like mouse not over document.

mouse.press(Button) create a payload object for "pointerDown", accepts "Button" parameter 0(left), 1(middle), or 2(right) mouse button, empty parameter considered 0 to autohotkey results setting left mouse button default.

mouse.Release(Button) create a payload object for "pointerUp", accepts "Button" parameter 0(left), 1(middle), or 2(right) mouse button, empty parameter considered 0 to autohotkey results setting left mouse button default.

mouse.Move(x,y,duration,width,height,pressure,tangentialPressure,tiltX,tiltY,twist,altitudeAngle,azimuthAngle,origin) will move mouse pointer to 'x' 'y' direction, moveing taking time as 'duration', pointer size can be define as 'width' 'height' which is optional,

move can be tweaked for button/touch 'pressure' 'tangentialPressure' 'tiltX','tiltY','twist','altitudeAngle','azimuthAngle' by using these respective parameters, which are also optional.

"origin" can be "viewport" or "pointer"

Default parameters for move: Parameters Ports
x 0
y 0
duration 10
width 0
height 0
pressure 0
tangentialPressure 0
tiltX 0
tiltY 0
twist 0
altitudeAngle 0
azimuthAngle 0
origin "viewport"

mouse.click(button,x,y,duration) click generates for serialized objects following methods already defined above, and will be translated to JSON payload and executed one by one from first to last creation.


Mouse Interaction and event example

MouseEvent := new mouse() ; Setting pointerType "mouse"
MouseEvent.press() ; 0(left) | 1(middle) | 2(right)

Scroll Class

Scroll Class generates event/interaction Objects 'Type' "wheel" that later translated to Webdriver Actions payload when submitted as parameters to Session.Actions().

interaction := New Scroll(pointerType) accepts 'pointerType' as parameter which can be "mouse", "pen", or "touch", where default pointerType is mouse, return interaction Class object.

interaction.Clear() resets interaction by deleting all delete Events.

interaction.Scroll(deltaX,deltaY,x,y,duration,origin) navigates vertical horizontal scroll on webpage's document view. It performs a scroll given duration, x, y, target delta x, target delta y, current delta x and current delta y:

Default parameters for Scroll method: Parameters Ports
deltaX 0
deltaY 0
x 0
y 0
duration 10
origin "viewport"

Following Methods utilized .Scroll(s) to perform scroll up down left right, where 's' is Scrolling value from the calculated from the exiting position, default value for 's' is 50





Keyboard Class

Keyboard Class generates event/interaction Objects 'Type' "key" that later translated to Webdriver Actions payload when submitted as parameters to Session.Actions().

KeyInterAction := New Keyboard() return interaction Class object. does not required any parameter

Keyboard.Clear() resets interaction by deleting all delete Events.

Keyboard.keyUp(key) create a payload object for "keyUp", required "key" parameter as key "Value"

Keyboard.keyDown(key) create a payload object for "keyDown", required "key" parameter as key "Value"

Keyboard.SendKey(keys) utilizes 'keyUp()' and 'keyDown()' methods simultaneously to send keystrokes, required Keys string parameter, its recommended to use Element.Sendkey() to mimic keystrokes on element or WDElement.value to set and Get element value.

Interaction Examples ```autohotkey #Include, %A_ScriptDir%\..\Rufaydium-Webdriver #include Rufaydium.ahk goto, TestKeyboard ; change lable here return clickTest: URL := "https://quickdraw.withgoogle.com" page := GetRufaydium(URL) ; run/access chrome browser MI := new mouse() ; MI = mouse interaction ;MI.click(0, 400, 400) ;MI.click(0, 200, 300) MI.press() MI.move(288,258,10) MI.release() MI.press() MI.move(391,181,10) MI.release() MI.press() MI.move(493,258,10) MI.release() MI.press() MI.move(454,358,10) MI.release() MI.press() MI.move(328,358,10) MI.release() MI.press() MI.move(288,258,10) MI.release() MI.press() MI.release() msgbox, move drawing window and click ok to draw x := page.actions(MI) return ScrollTest: URL := "https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/" page := GetRufaydium(URL) ; run/access chrome browser msgbox, % please arrow up and Down keys to scroll return down:: page.scrollDown() ; it utilizes Scroll class return up:: page.scrollup() ; ; it utilizes Scroll class return TestKeyboard: URL := "https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/" page := GetRufaydium(URL) ; run/access chrome browser e := Page.querySelector("#keywords") ; getting elemenet e.focus() ; focusing element so we can see keystrokes interaction page.sendkey("aBcd") ; session.sendkey() uses Keyboard Class page.sendkey("xyZ") return ; GetRufaydium(URL) gets existing session ; stops us creatting multiple sessions again and again ; make sure do not manually close driver / chrome.driver.exit() ; by Xeo786 GetRufaydium(URL) { ; get chrome driver / runs chrome driver if not running, download driver if available in A_ScriptDir ; Run Chrome Driver with default parameters and loads deafult capabilities Chrome := new Rufaydium() Page := Chrome.getSessionByUrl(URL) ; check page (created by driver) if already exist if !isobject(page) ; checcking if Session with url exist { Page := Chrome.getSession(1,1) ; try getting first session first tab if isobject(page) ; if exist Page.NewTab() ; create new tab instead new session else ; if does not exist Page := Chrome.NewSession() ; create new session ; Page.Exit() if any session manually closed by user which causes lag Page.Navigate(URL) ; navigate } return page } ```


Rufaydium Basic will wait for any task/change to get completed, and then execute the next line but any task executed through CDP Session.CDP wouldn't wait, therefore we need to use Session.CDP.WaitForLoad()

Waiting of webpage is based on document ready state https://www.w3schools.com/jsref/prop_doc_readystate.asp but there are web pages that keep loading and unloading elements and stuff while their ready state remains complete, In this kind of situation Rufaydium Basic and Rufaydium CDP would simply wait through error or if an element in question is not available or element visibility or displayed/enabled stats element, displayed(), element.enabled(), we can use these tricks to make AutoHotkey wait, for example, We have click button and this would load element with tag name button.

while !IsObject(button) ; 
   sleep, 200
   ; getting element do not support error handling for now but they do return with element object if found and empty when find nothing
   button := Session.QuerySelector("button") 
h := button.innerText
while h.error
    h := button.innerText ; but element.methods support error handling
    sleep, 200
MsgBox, % "innerText" h ; otherwise h has innertext


Session.CDP has access to Chrome Devtools protocols,

Example ```AutoHotkey ChromeDriver := A_ScriptDir "\chromedriver.exe" ; in case driver is already running it will get access driver which is already running Driver := new RunDriver(ChromeDriver) Chrome := new Rufaydium(Driver) Page := Chrome.getSessionByUrl(Webpage) ; getting session if !isobject(Page) { MsgBox, no session found return } ; Page.CDP.Document() ; no longer needed input := Page.CDP.QuerySelector(".mb-2") MsgBox, % input.innerText for k , tag in Page.cdp.QuerySelectorAll("input") ; full all input boxes with their ids { tag.sendKey(tag.id) } ```

Note: Firefox / Geckodriver session does not support Session.CDP (Chrome Devtools Protocols) as Firefox has its Remote protocols, which will be added soon as Session.FRP, Firefox Remote Protocols


CDP.Document() is DEPRECATED is no longer required as Rufaydium CDP has developed reliable access to frame

CDP functionalities

Session.CDP.navigate(url) ; navigate to url
Session.CDP.WaitForLoad() ; unlike Session.methods() CDP does not support await

; getting element
element := Session.CDP.querySelector(selector) 
element := Session.CDP.getElementByID(ID)
; getting array or elements
elements := Session.CDP.querySelectorAll(selector) 
elements := Session.CDP.getElementsbyClassName(Class)
elements := Session.CDP.getElementsbyName(Tagename)

/* getting element by JS function 
1) GetelementbyJS() can only be used on Document like Document.GetelementbyJS(JS), yes it will work on element 
   but it would consider document as base node / pointer
2) The JS should return with element or array of elements i.e. GetelementbyJS("document.querySelectorAll('input')")
if you want to pass function and want use results from it then you can pass your function which should return with 
   one element or array of elements like this
3) you can use GetelementbyJS(js).value := var and GetelementbyJS(js)[].value := var it totally depends on you 
   JavaScript what you are passing,
4) you can't do something like this GetelementbyJS("document.querySelector('input').value = '1234'") there is 
   CDP.Evaluate() for that
5) What I think GetelementbyJS() is slow we should use DOM.querySelector for fast results but JavaScript users 
   would understand that why I have made GetelementbyJS(), in some scenarios JS get results more faster, 
   like above I mentioned below passing JS custom function using Evaluate,
element := Session.CDP.GetelementbyJS("JSfunc()") ; JS funct

; get element by location
; this method does not reriued Session.CDP.Document()
element := Session.CDP.getelementbyLocation(x,y)


Following methods only applicable to element(s) return from CDP

CDP_element.getBoxModel()   ; with Json array of element coord margins and paddings detail
CDP_element.getNodeQuads()  ; quads are x immediately followed by y for each point, points clock-wise

val := CDP_element.value    ; get value
CDP_element.value := "abcd" ; set value

eleClass := CDP_element.class   ; get Class
CDP_element.class := "abcd" ; set Class

eleID := CDP_element.id     ; get id
CDP_element.id := "abcd"    ; set id

text := CDP_element.innerText   ; get innerText
CDP_element.innerText := "abcd" ; set innerText

text := CDP_element.textContent ; get textContent

html := CDP_element.OuterHTML   ; get html
CDP_element.OuterHTML := htmlstring ; set html

allattribus := CDP_element.getAttributes() ; gets all the attributes as Object we can use json dump to see whats inside
value := CDP_element.getAttribute(Name) ; getting specific attribute value base on above method
CDP_element.setAttribute(Name,Value) : change attribute value

; this uses dispatch event with istrusted parameter true
CDP_element.click() ; send click()
CDP_element.ClickCoord(x,y, delay:= 10) ; send click to a coord
CDP_element.SendKey("1234`n") ; send 1 2 3 4 enter

CDP Evaluate(JS)

Session.CDP.Evaluate() executes Javascript, just like we use Chrome's console.

js = 
function findByTextContent(searchText)
var aTags = document.querySelectorAll("[Class='mb-4 block-menu-item col-xl-auto col-lg-4 col-sm-6 col-12']");
var found;
for (var i = 0; i < aTags.length; i++) {
  if (aTags[i].textContent == searchText) {
    found = aTags[i];
return found
Session.CDP.evaluate("findByTextContent('" btnName "').childNodes[0].click()")


We can switch to the frame using CDP methods Just like Basic.

MsgBox, % Page.CDP.FramesLength() ; will return child frame length
Page.CDP.Frame(0) ; switched to Frame 1
Page.CDP.ParentFrame() ; switched back to Main page / frame

CDP Call

Call is sendCommand call for Chrome Devtools protocols, https://chromedevtools.github.io/devtools-protocol/ all above methods are Based on CDP.Call() Session.CDP.call(method,Json_param)

ExtList := ["*.ttf","*.gif" , "*.png" , "*.jpg" , "*.jpeg" , "*.webp"]
Session.CDP.call("Network.setBlockedURLs",{"urls": ExtList })