XiangpengHao / congee

Concurrent ART (adaptive radix tree)
MIT License
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adaptive-radix-tree concurrent containers database high-performance index range-index rust


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A Rust implementation of ART-OLC concurrent adaptive radix tree. It implements the optimistic lock coupling with proper SIMD support.

It only supports (and is optimized for) fixed sized 8 byte key; due to this specialization, congee has great performance -- basic operations are faster than most hash tables, range scan is an order of magnitude faster.

The codebase is extensively tested with {address|leak} sanitizer as well as libfuzzer. Congee's performance is continuously tracked here.

Why Congee?

Why not Congee?

Design principles

Congee aims to be a simple and reliable primitive for building database systems.


use congee::Congee;
let art = Congee::default();
let guard = art.pin(); // enter an epoch

art.insert(0, 42, &guard); // insert a value
let val = art.get(&0, &guard).unwrap(); // read the value
assert_eq!(val, 42);

let mut scan_buffer = vec![(0, 0); 8];
let scan_result = art.range(&0, &10, &mut scan_buffer, &guard); // scan values
assert_eq!(scan_result, 1);
assert_eq!(scan_buffer[0], (0, 42));


Benchmarked with the conc-map-bench

Exchange Rapid grow read-heavy