Xianhua-He / cvpr2024-face-anti-spoofing-challenge

Accepted by CVPR Workshop 2024
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Joint Physical-Digital Facial Attack Detection Via Simulating Spoofing Clues [CVPR2024 Workshop]

This repository is the official implementation of Joint Physical-Digital Facial Attack Detection Via Simulating Spoofing Clues

πŸ€— Overview our method

The overview pipeline of our method. We propose Simulated Physical Spoofing Clues augmentation (SPSC), which augments live samples into simulated physical attack samples for training within protocols 1 and 2.1. Concurrently, we present Simulated Digital Spoofing Clues augmentation (SDSC), converting live samples into simulated digital attack samples, tailored for training under protocols 1 and 2.2.

  1. employ ColorJitter to simulate the spoofing clues of print attacks
  2. use moire pattern augmentation to simulate the spoofing clues of replay attacks
  3. SPSC consists of ColorJitter and moire pattern augmentation
  4. introduce SPSC to simulate the spoofing clues of digital forgery
  5. attempt to use GaussNoise or gradient-based noise to simulate the spoofing clues of adversarial attacks, but do not work

πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ Getting Started

Data Format

Please make a copy of the original data and place it in the following format:

  1. copy data and get txt files
    cp -r xxx/phase1/* cvpr2024/data/
    cp -r xxx/phase2/* cvpr2024/data/
    cd cvpr2024/data
    cat p1/dev.txt p1/test.txt > p1/dev_test.txt
    cat p2.1/dev.txt p2.1/test.txt > p2.1/dev_test.txt
    cat p2.2/dev.txt p2.2/test.txt > p2.2/dev_test.txt
  2. get train_dev_label.txt
    python data_preprocess/merge_dev_train_data.py # please modify the base path
    # p1: merge all dev data to train
    # p2.1: only merge dev live data to train
    # p2.2: only merge dev live data to train
  3. final data format:
    base_path = "xxx/cvpr2024"

|----cvpr2024/data |----p1 |----train |----dev |----test |----train_live_mask |----train_label.txt |----dev_label.txt |----train_dev_label.txt |----dev_test.txt |----p2.1 |----train |----dev |----test |----train_live_mask |----train_label.txt |----dev_label.txt |----train_dev_label.txt |----dev_test.txt |----p2.2 |----train |----dev |----test |----train_live_mask |----train_label.txt |----dev_label.txt |----train_dev_label.txt |----dev_test.txt

## βš’οΈ Installation
pip install -r requirements.txt

Data Preprocess

Detect face

if image width >= 700 and image height >= 700, we will detect face from the image and expand 20 pixel crop face from the image. If no face is detected in the image, we will center crop a 500*500 bbox from the image which implements this logic in dataset.py where the training data is loaded. we need pip install insightface and use insightface to detect face.It will download the model by default to detect faces.
Please modify the base path and run detect_face.py.The crop_face will overwrite the original image.

cd data_preprocess
python detect_face.py

Generate train.txt live sample's mask

face-parsing github
download face-parsing model from 79999_iter.pth
Please modify root_dir and model_path.

cd data_preprocess/face_parsing
bash generate_mask.sh

Imagenet pretrain model

download pretrain model: resnet50

Training resources

πŸš€ P1 Train and Test

Train p1 protocol:

bash scripts/train_p1.sh

Test: select the 200th epoch model weight

bash scripts/test_p1.sh

πŸš€ P2.1 Train and Test

Train p2.1 protocol:

bash scripts/train_p21.sh

Test: select the 200th epoch model weight

bash scripts/test_p21.sh

πŸš€ P2.2 Train and Test

Train p2.2 protocol:

bash scripts/train_p22.sh

Test: select the 200th epoch model weight

bash scripts/test_p22.sh

πŸ† Our models

Protocol APCER(%) BPCER(%) ACER(%) model
P1 0.31 0.09 0.20 p1_resnet50.pth
P2.1 2.55 0.09 1.32 p21_resnet50.pth
P2.2 1.73 1.58 1.65 p22_resnet50.pth

πŸŽ“ Citation

If you find this repository useful for your research, please use the following entry.

  title={Joint Physical-Digital Facial Attack Detection Via Simulating Spoofing Clues},
  author={He, Xianhua and Liang, Dashuang and Yang, Song and Hao, Zhanlong and Ma, Hui and Mao, Binjie and Li, Xi and Wang, Yao and Yan, Pengfei and Liu, Ajian},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},