Xianjie-Guo / FedPC

Towards Privacy-Aware Causal Structure Learning in Federated Setting
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Towards Privacy-Aware Causal Structure Learning in Federated Setting


"FedPC_discrete.m" (for discrete datasets) and "FedPC_continues" (for continuous datasets) are two main scripts.

Note that the current code has only been debugged on Matlab (2018a) with a 64-bit Windows system.

'layer_dis.m'(for discrete datasets) and 'layer_con.m'(for continues datasets) is implemented for the layer-wise strategy.

In 'layer_dis.m' and 'layer_con.m', the inputs and outputs are the same, shown below:

function [DAG,sep] = layer_dis(data,alpha,G,sep,ord) / function [DAG,sep] = layer_con(data,alpha,G,sep,ord)


data is the data matrix

alpha is the significance level

G is the learned skeleton; for the first time, a fully connected matrix

sep is the separation set

ord is the length of the separation set


DAG is incomplete DAG under the length of separation set

sep is the separation set identified

'orient_dis.m'(for discrete datasets) and 'orient_con.m' (for continuous datasets) are to orient edges.

In 'orient_dis.m' and 'orient_con.m', the inputs and outputs are the same, shown below:

function [DAG] = orient_dis(G,dataset,clients) / function [DAG] = orient_con(G,dataset,clients)


G is the skeleton of DAG

dataset is the data 

clients is the number of clients


DAG is the output after orienting

'random_partition.m' is to generate the random number of clients across clients.

function [partition] = random_partition(data_samples,clients)


data_samples is the number of all data samples 

clients is the number of clients


partition is the distribution of data samples on clients 

'layer_federate.m' is the process federating parameters at the server.

function [fed_ske,fed_sep] = layer_federate(ske_set,sep_set,clients,ratio)


ske_set is the data matrix set learning from clients

sep_set is the separation set learning from clients

clients is the number of clients

ratio is the voting ratio to determine the edges


fed_ske is DAG after voting

fed_sep is the union of nodes in separation sets 

'max_p.m' and 'min_r.m' is to find out the separation set with max p-value.

function [maxsep] = max_p(x,y,candidate,dataset,clients)


x,y is 2 nodes

candidate is candidates for separation set 

dataset is data across clients

clients is the number of clients


maxsep is the separation set between 2 nodes with max p-value

function [minsep] = min_r(x,y,candidate,dataset,clients)


x,y is 2 nodes

candidate is candidates for separation set 

dataset is data across clients

clients is the number of clients


minsep is the seperation set between 2 nodes with min r-value


[1] Huang J, Guo X, Yu K, et al. Towards Privacy-Aware Causal Structure Learning in Federated Setting[J]. IEEE Transactions on Big Data, 2023.