Closed StefanThorlacius closed 2 years ago
@StefanThorlacius the platform that you are targeting (xilinx_u50_gen3x16_xdma_201920_3) does not have "HOST" memory. It had the following memory resources : HBM : 0 - 31 PLRAM : 0 - 3
Please pick the platform that had HOST memory and try re-running the design.
Thanks, Vishnu
Is the following error due to installation problem or the example itself, it is example host/host_memory_simple? It compiles for sw_emu but not hw_emu.
it says "platforminfo for sptag information" but there is no information about sptag
I am using all the latest stuff from Xilinx, Xilinx Unified Installer 2021.2 including the patch released 6 January.
$ uname -rs Linux 5.4.0-21-generic
$ lsb_release -a No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Release: 20.04 Codename: focal
HW: U50
----- Start: examples of working built ------ hello_world make run TARGET=sw_emu PLATFORM=xilinx_u50_gen3x16_xdma_201920_3 TEST PASSED make run TARGET=hw_emu PLATFORM=xilinx_u50_gen3x16_xdma_201920_3 TEST PASSED make run TARGET=hw PLATFORM=xilinx_u50_gen3x16_xdma_201920_3 TEST PASSED
----- End: examples of working built ------
host/host_memory_simple make run TARGET=sw_emu PLATFORM=xilinx_u50_gen3x16_xdma_201920_3 TEST PASSED
make run TARGET=hw_emu PLATFORM=xilinx_u50_gen3x16_xdma_201920_3
INFO: [CFGEN 83-0] Kernel Specs: INFO: [CFGEN 83-0] kernel: krnl_vadd, num: 1 {krnl_vadd_1} INFO: [CFGEN 83-0] Port Specs: INFO: [CFGEN 83-0] kernel: krnl_vadd_1, k_port: m_axi_gmem, sptag: HOST[0] ERROR: [CFGEN 83-2287] --sp tag applied with an invalid sp tag: HOST[0] ERROR: [CFGEN 83-2297] Please consult platforminfo for sptag information
ERROR: [CFGEN 83-2298] Exiting due to previous error
ERROR: [SYSTEM_LINK 82-36] [16:20:26] cfgen failed
Time (s): cpu = 00:00:02 ; elapsed = 00:00:02 . Memory (MB): peak = 2169.344 ; gain = 0.000 ; free physical = 52644 ; free virtual = 94874
ERROR: [SYSTEM_LINK 82-62] Error generating design file for /home/zzzzzz/.Xilinx/Vitis/2021.2/vitis_examples/Vitis_Accel_Examples/host/host_memory_simple/_x.hw_emu.xilinx_u50_gen3x16_xdma_201920_3/link/sys_link/cfgraph/cfgen_cfgraph.xml, command: /tools/Xilinx/Vitis/2021.2/bin/cfgen -sp krnl_vadd_1.m_axi_gmem:HOST[0] -dmclkid 0 -r /home/zzzzzz/.Xilinx/Vitis/2021.2/vitis_examples/Vitis_Accel_Examples/host/host_memory_simple/_x.hw_emu.xilinx_u50_gen3x16_xdma_201920_3/link/sys_link/_sysl/.cdb/xd_ip_db.xml -o /home/zzzzzz/.Xilinx/Vitis/2021.2/vitis_examples/Vitis_Accel_Examples/host/host_memory_simple/_x.hw_emu.xilinx_u50_gen3x16_xdma_201920_3/link/sys_link/cfgraph/cfgen_cfgraph.xml
ERROR: [SYSTEM_LINK 82-96] Error applying explicit connections to the system connectivity graph
ERROR: [SYSTEM_LINK 82-79] Unable to create system connectivity graph
INFO: [v++ 60-1442] [16:20:26] Run run_link: Step system_link: Failed
Time (s): cpu = 00:00:07 ; elapsed = 00:00:06 . Memory (MB): peak = 2063.574 ; gain = 0.000 ; free physical = 52681 ; free virtual = 94912
ERROR: [v++ 60-661] v++ link run 'run_link' failed
ERROR: [v++ 60-626] Kernel link failed to complete
ERROR: [v++ 60-703] Failed to finish linking
INFO: [v++ 60-1653] Closing dispatch client.
make: *** [Makefile:132: build_dir.hw_emu.xilinx_u50_gen3x16_xdma_201920_3/krnl_vadd.xclbin] Error 1