Xilinx / dfx-mgr

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Copyright (c) 2021, Xilinx Inc. and Contributors. All rights reserved.

SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT


DFX-MGR provides infrastructure to abstract configuration and hardware resource management for dynamic deployment of Xilinx based accelerator across different platforms.

DFX-MGR is merged in Petalinux 2021.1 onwards and the recipe is called dfx-mgr. The recipe is not enabled by default and user is expected to enable it. As of today, DFX-MGR can be used for dynamic loading/unloading of accelerators to PL (Programmable Logic). The functionality is tested for loading/unloading of Flat shell (i.e. shell which does not have any reconfigurable partitions) and DFX shell (i.e. shell which contains static and dynamic region). As you can see in the diagram below DFX-MGR can load a 3RP design and a 2RP design with the corresponding accelerators dynamically without having to reboot the board.

Once you compile Petalinux by enabling the dfx-mgr recipe, you should have dfx-mgrd and dfx-mgr-client in /usr/bin of rootfs and libdfx-mgr.so in /usr/lib. The config file daemon.conf can be found in /etc/dfx-mgrd/. Config file is mandatory, refer the files section for details of it. A default daemon.conf will be copied by the recipe and the user is expected to update as required.


Files required

DFX-MGR recognizes the designs under /lib/firmware/xilinx on device filesystem, location can be updated in daemon.conf. Designs could be downloaded using dnf or any other package manager or manually copied to the previously mentioned location. Each folder under /lib/firmware/xilinx will be treated as a base shell design wherein the folder is expected to have a shell.json file. Base design folder can then have sub-folder for each of the accelerators. Each accelerator is expected to have a accel.json. Have a look at below folder structure for more understanding and the details of json config files.

The expected directory structure under /lib/firmware/xilinx which contains a 3x1 PL shell design, and a flat shell design. 3x1 base_design shell has an accelerator called FFT which contains three different partial bitstreams for three slots of base shell. base_design needs to have base shell bitstream and shell.json. DFX-MGR expects '_slot#' as subfolders for each of the accelerators for DFX designs. Place the bitstream corresponding to that slot in the respective subfolder along with accel.json file.

It is not mandatory to have all the partial bitstreams for each slot, but DFX-MGR will fail to load an accelerator to the slot if no partial design is found.

$ ls /lib/firmware/xilinx/base_design
base_Shell.pdi base.dtbo shell.json FFT

$ ls /lib/firmware/xilinx/base_design/FFT/
FFT_slot0 FFT_slot1 FFT_slot2

$ ls /lib/firmware/xilinx/base_design/FFT/FFT_slot0/
partial.pdi partial.dtbo accel.json

$ ls /lib/firmware/xilinx/base_design/FFT/FFT_slot1/
partial.pdi partial.dtbo accel.json

$ ls /lib/firmware/xilinx/base_design/FFT/FFT_slot2/
partial_slot2.pdi partial.dtbo accel.json

$ ls /lib/firmware/xilinx/flat_shell/
Flat_shell.bit.bin flat_shell.dtbo shell.json

As shown above, base_design has first three slots (0,1,2) corresponding to PL slots from the FFT subfolders. When DFX-MGR successfully loads FFT accel to one of the slots, -listPackage output would show active slot as 0,1 or 2.


DFX-MGR is started on Linux bootup and reads the config file /etc/dfx-mgrd/daemon.conf from device for any config settings. Any change to daemon.conf will need a restart of the /usr/bin/dfx-mgrd on target.

If you want to add another location for packages on the filesystem, append absolute path to the location in "firmware_location" and restart the daemon. The limitations around directory structure as explained above still apply as for "/lib/firmware/xilinx".

$ cat /etc/dfx-mgrd/daemon.conf
  "default_accel":"/etc/dfx-mgrd/default_firmware", //Optional: echo the
                             //package-name to default_firmware for any
                             // accelerator to be loaded on start of daemon
 "firmware_location": ["/lib/firmware/xilinx"]  //Required:Package directories
                        // monitored by DFX-MGR


shell.json describes the base shell configuration information. Optional fields can be skipped if not desired.

One of the below type should be used for shell_type as per your design.

Note: The AIE support in dfx-mgr is preliminary and for a future production enablement capability. KRIA devices do not have AIE.


accel.json describes the accelerator configuration. Optional fields can be skipped if not desired. Flat shell designs are not required to have accel.json since they do not have reconfigurable partition.

How to build

DFX-MGR depends on external libraries/frameworks such as libdfx, XRT, inotify, etc. The recommended way to compile this repo is using yocto where the required dependency are taken care of in the recipe.

If not using yocto then dependent libraries will need to be provided to cmake using appropriate -DCMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH.

How to build using yocto

To compile using yocto in 2021.1 onwards, do bitbake dfx-mgr.

How to build using cmake

You would need to provide dependency libraries using -DCMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH for cmake.

There is generic cmake toolchian file for generic Linux which is in cmake/platforms/cross-linux-gcc.cmake

Set the path where you have all the dependent libraries in build.sh.

$ cd dfx-mgr
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ ../build.sh

After build successfully completes, libdfx-mgr.so can be found under build/usr/local/lib and binary under build/usr/local/bin.

Usage guidelines

Using command line

The dfx-mgrd daemon should mostly be running on linux startup. Assuming it is running, you can use below commands from command line to load/unload accelerators.

  1. Command to list the packages present on target filesystem under /lib/firmware/xilinx.

An alternative command line utility which some users might be familiar with can also be used xmutil listapps.

$ dfx-mgr-client -listPackage
Accelerator    Accel_type          Base    Pid Base_type #slots(PL+AIE) Active_slot
  flat_shell      PL_FLAT    flat_shell  id_ok  PL_FLAT          (0+0)          -1
  AIE_accel   XRT_AIE_DFX   base_design  no_id   PL_DFX          (3+1)          3,
        FFT   SIHA_PL_DFX   base_design id_err   PL_DFX          (3+1)         0,1

In the above output, AIE_accel is currently programmed to AIE and hence the slot shows as 3. FFT is programmed to first two slots out of three slots of PL. flat_shell is not programmed and show -1. Flat shell design do not have a dynamic reconfigurable partition and hence #slots shows as 0. Vivado's UID, PID information for tracking parent-to-child relationships is in the "Pid" column:

Here is an example of 2-partition designs (see: kria-dfx-hw, kria-apps-firmware) from KR260 board with Ubuntu 22.04:

``` $ tree /lib/firmware/xilinx /lib/firmware/xilinx |-- k26-starter-kits | |-- k26_starter_kits.bit.bin | |-- k26_starter_kits.dtbo | `-- shell.json |-- k26_2rp_1409 | |-- AES128 | | |-- AES128_slot0 | | | |-- accel.json | | | |-- opendfx_shell_i_RP_0_AES128_inst_0_partial.bit.bin | | | |-- opendfx_shell_i_RP_0_AES128_inst_0_partial.bit.bin_i.dtbo | | | `-- opendfx_shell_i_RP_0_AES128_inst_0_partial.bit.bin_i.dtsi | | `-- AES128_slot1 | | |-- accel.json | | |-- opendfx_shell_i_RP_1_AES128_inst_1_partial.bit.bin | | |-- opendfx_shell_i_RP_1_AES128_inst_1_partial.bit.bin_i.dtbo | | `-- opendfx_shell_i_RP_1_AES128_inst_1_partial.bit.bin_i.dtsi | |-- AES192 | | |-- AES192_slot0 | | | |-- accel.json | | | |-- opendfx_shell_i_RP_0_AES192_inst_0_partial.bit.bin | | | |-- opendfx_shell_i_RP_0_AES192_inst_0_partial.bit.bin_i.dtbo | | | `-- opendfx_shell_i_RP_0_AES192_inst_0_partial.bit.bin_i.dtsi | | `-- AES192_slot1 | | |-- accel.json | | |-- opendfx_shell_i_RP_1_AES192_inst_1_partial.bit.bin | | |-- opendfx_shell_i_RP_1_AES192_inst_1_partial.bit.bin_i.dtbo | | `-- opendfx_shell_i_RP_1_AES192_inst_1_partial.bit.bin_i.dtsi | |-- DPU | | |-- DPU_slot0 | | | |-- accel.json | | | |-- opendfx_shell_i_RP_0_DPU_512_inst_0_partial.bit.bin | | | |-- opendfx_shell_i_RP_0_DPU_512_inst_0_partial.bit.bin_i.dtbo | | | `-- opendfx_shell_i_RP_0_DPU_512_inst_0_partial.bit.bin_i.dtsi | | `-- DPU_slot1 | | |-- accel.json | | |-- opendfx_shell_i_RP_1_DPU_512_inst_1_partial.bit.bin | | |-- opendfx_shell_i_RP_1_DPU_512_inst_1_partial.bit.bin_i.dtbo | | `-- opendfx_shell_i_RP_1_DPU_512_inst_1_partial.bit.bin_i.dtsi | |-- FFT | | |-- FFT_slot0 | | | |-- accel.json | | | |-- opendfx_shell_i_RP_0_FFT_4channel_inst_0_partial.bit.bin | | | |-- opendfx_shell_i_RP_0_FFT_4channel_inst_0_partial.bit.bin_i.dtbo | | | `-- opendfx_shell_i_RP_0_FFT_4channel_inst_0_partial.bit.bin_i.dtsi | | `-- FFT_slot1 | | |-- accel.json | | |-- opendfx_shell_i_RP_1_FFT_4channel_inst_1_partial.bit.bin | | |-- opendfx_shell_i_RP_1_FFT_4channel_inst_1_partial.bit.bin_i.dtbo | | `-- opendfx_shell_i_RP_1_FFT_4channel_inst_1_partial.bit.bin_i.dtsi | |-- FIR | | |-- FIR_slot0 | | | |-- accel.json | | | |-- opendfx_shell_i_RP_0_FIR_compiler_inst_0_partial.bit.bin | | | |-- opendfx_shell_i_RP_0_FIR_compiler_inst_0_partial.bit.bin_i.dtbo | | | `-- opendfx_shell_i_RP_0_FIR_compiler_inst_0_partial.bit.bin_i.dtsi | | `-- FIR_slot1 | | |-- accel.json | | |-- opendfx_shell_i_RP_1_FIR_compiler_inst_1_partial.bit.bin | | |-- opendfx_shell_i_RP_1_FIR_compiler_inst_1_partial.bit.bin_i.dtbo | | `-- opendfx_shell_i_RP_1_FIR_compiler_inst_1_partial.bit.bin_i.dtsi | |-- PP_PIPELINE | | |-- PP_PIPELINE_slot0 | | | |-- accel.json | | | |-- opendfx_shell_i_RP_0_pp_pipeline_inst_0_partial.bit.bin | | | |-- opendfx_shell_i_RP_0_pp_pipeline_inst_0_partial.bit.bin_i.dtbo | | | `-- opendfx_shell_i_RP_0_pp_pipeline_inst_0_partial.bit.bin_i.dtsi | | `-- PP_PIPELINE_slot1 | | |-- accel.json | | |-- opendfx_shell_i_RP_1_pp_pipeline_inst_1_partial.bit.bin | | |-- opendfx_shell_i_RP_1_pp_pipeline_inst_1_partial.bit.bin_i.dtbo | | `-- opendfx_shell_i_RP_1_pp_pipeline_inst_1_partial.bit.bin_i.dtsi | |-- opendfx_shell_wrapper.bit.bin | |-- pl.dtbo | |-- pl.dtsi | `-- shell.json `-- kr260-tsn-rs485pmod |-- kr260-tsn-rs485pmod.bin |-- kr260-tsn-rs485pmod.dtbo `-- shell.json ```

and their dfx-mgrd representation:

$ sudo xmutil listapps
     Accelerator     Accel_type        Base            Pid Base_type #slots(PL+AIE) Active_slot
   k26-starter-kits  XRT_FLAT      k26-starter-kits  id_ok  XRT_FLAT         (0+0)    0,
kr260-tsn-rs485pmod  XRT_FLAT    kr260-tsn-rs485pmod id_ok  XRT_FLAT         (0+0)    -1
                FFT  SIHA_PL_DFX     k26_2rp_1409    no_id    PL_DFX         (2+0)    -1
        PP_PIPELINE  SIHA_PL_DFX     k26_2rp_1409    no_id    PL_DFX         (2+0)    -1
                FIR  SIHA_PL_DFX     k26_2rp_1409    no_id    PL_DFX         (2+0)    -1
                DPU  SIHA_PL_DFX     k26_2rp_1409    no_id    PL_DFX         (2+0)    -1
             AES128  SIHA_PL_DFX     k26_2rp_1409    id_err   PL_DFX         (2+0)    -1
             AES192  SIHA_PL_DFX     k26_2rp_1409    id_ok    PL_DFX         (2+0)    -1
  1. Command to load one of the above listed accelerator. For dfx designs, base shell would be loaded first if not already loaded and then accelerator will be loaded to one of the free slots. If the shell is already loaded then only the accelerator will be loaded to one of free slots. If the device tree overlay (.dtbo) file contains external-fpga-config string the dfx-mgrd will use DFX_EXTERNAL_CONFIG_EN instead of the default DFX_NORMAL_EN flag when calling libdfx fetch function.

Equivalent xmutil command is xmutil loadapp FFT.

$ dfx-mgr-client -load FFT
  1. Command to remove accelerator from the slot. If there is not accel in the mentioned slot, this command will do nothing.

Equivalent xmutil command is xmutil unloadapp 1.

$ dfx-mgr-client -remove 1

Using library API

Users can write applications to interact with daemon. Refer to example source code in repo/example/sys/linux/load_accel.c for a simple example how to load an accelerator. The applications, including dfx-mgr-client connect to the daemon via /var/run/dfx-mgrd.socket file. This allows a client running in a docker container to connect to the dfx_mgrd running outside the container.

Known limitations

  1. DFX-MGR uses i-notify for firmware file updates and i-notify doesn't work with network filesystem. Hence it is recommended to NOT boot linux over NFS for correct functionality of DFX-MGR daemon.

  2. DFX-MGR package names i.e. firmware folder names are limited to 64 character currently and absolute path lengths are limited to 512 char. Hence avoid creating long filenames.

  3. I/O nodes don't support zero copy.