Xilinx / nanotube

MIT License
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Copyright and License

Copyright (C) 2023, Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

The Nanotube Compiler and Framework

Nanotube is a collection of compiler passes, libraries, and an API to facilitate execution of EBPF XDP and similar networking code on an FPGA in a SmartNIC. The compiler takes EBPF XDP C code as input and outputs a packet processing pipeline in HLS C++. This HLS C++ code can then be synthesised using Vitis HLS and placed on an FPGA.

The compiler performs various transformations on the program; starting with a translation of EBPF calls to calls to similar Nanotube API functions. It then performs multiple stages of transforming the code structurally and to different API levels:

The Nanotube library implements packet accesses and maps in an implementation which is synthesis friendly, meaning that it will be placed in the application and will create efficient hardware in high-level synthesis.

Getting started

Before compiling Nanotube, you need to make sure all the dependencies are available. Many of them are available as packages in common Linux distributions. The others are LLVM and Vitis-HLS.

You will need enough free storage space for Nanotube and its dependencies. Using local storage will be faster, but network storage can be used if preferred.

Building Nanotube itself requires only the headers from Vitis-HLS and that is enough to test the HLS output of Nanotube. Generating Verilog from the HLS output and building bitfiles requires full installations of Vitis-HLS and Vivado. The Nanotube build system will attempt to locate installations of Vitis-HLS and Vivado on the legacy Xilinx network. If this fails, it will be necessary to provide the path to a directory which contains either a full Vitis-HLS install or just include sub-directory.

Approximate sizes for a minimal installation are:

  LLVM              24.2G
  Vitis-HLS headers  5.6M
  Nanotube           1.9G

A full installation will require the following instead of the Vitis-HLS headers:

  Vitis-HLS full     6.5G
  Vivado            81.8G

Installing Linux packages

Every Linux distribution has a different set of available packages and package names vary between distributions. To make things easier, instructions are given here for some common distributions. It may be possible to compile Nanotube on other distributions using similar instructions, but there may be missing packages or other problems.

Installing packages on Ubuntu 20.04

To install the require packages, run these commands as root:

  apt-get install -y cmake g++ m4 libpcap-dev wireshark scons libelf-dev libpci-dev
  apt-get install -y libboost-dev libboost-doc libboost-program-options-dev
  apt-get install -y python-is-python2 libxml2-dev libboost-system-dev
  apt-get install -y python3-yaml

Note that the python-is-python2 package changes the /usr/bin/python symlink to point to Python2, so it may affect other programs or projects. It is required for LLVM to work correctly.

Installing packages on Ubuntu 18.04

To install the require packages, run these commands as root:

  apt-get install -y cmake g++ m4 libpcap-dev wireshark scons libelf-dev libpci-dev
  apt-get install -y libboost-dev libboost-doc libboost-program-options-dev
  apt-get install -y libxml2-dev libboost-system-dev
  apt-get install -y python3-yaml

Installing packages on CentOS 7

To install the required packages, run these commands as root:

  yum install -y https://cbs.centos.org/kojifiles/packages/scons/2.5.1/4.el7/noarch/scons-2.5.1-4.el7.noarch.rpm
  yum install -y devtoolset-6 libpcap-devel wireshark
  yum install -y boost-devel pciutils-devel
  yum install -y python36-PyYAML

Note that devtoolset-{5,6,7,8} should be fine, but the instructions below will need to be changed.

Checking out the Nanotube repository

To checkout the Nanotube repository, run this command:

  git clone git@github.com:Xilinx/nanotube.git

Downloading and building LLVM

You will need to build LLVM before building Nanotube. The build_llvm script makes this process easier and selects LLVM build options which are known to work. Nanotube is built against LLVM 8.0.0 built from source, but we are planning to a more recent version of LLVM and explore the use of distribution packages.

The instructions for building LLVM are slightly different for CentOS 7 because the default g++ is not new enough. The devtoolset-6 package is used instead, but requires modified steps.

The script build_llvm accepts -j like make does.

Downloading LLVM

Choose a directory where LLVM will be built. The instructions below use /scratch/$USER/nanotube-llvm, but a different directory can be used if preferred. Just make sure the correct path is given in later commands.

  mkdir -p /scratch/$USER
  git clone -b llvmorg-8.0.0 https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project.git --depth 1  /scratch/$USER/nanotube-llvm

Building LLVM

To build LLVM on CentOS 7, run this command:

  scl enable devtoolset-6 'scripts/build_llvm -j4 /scratch/$USER/nanotube-llvm'

To build LLVM on other systems, run this command:

  scripts/build_llvm -j4 /scratch/$USER/nanotube-llvm

Installing Vitis-HLS and Vivado

The Nanotube compiler compiles from EBPF XDP C to C++ with HLS annotations, converting the program in multiple steps. The output of each step can be executed for testing, including the produced HLS C++ code. For that, we need Vitis-HLS headers; for synthesising the design onto an FPGA, a full installation of Vitis is required.

Vitis can be obtained from its product page.

A minimal installation uses only the install directory from a normal Vitis-HLS installation. First find an existing installation of Vitis-HLS or install a new one. Then create a destination directory and copy the include directory into it. For example:

  mkdir  /scratch/$USER/Vitis_HLS_2022.2
  rsync -a <vitis_install_dir>/Vitis_HLS/2022.2/include/ /scratch/$USER/Vitis_HLS_2022.2/include/

Building Nanotube

The Nanotube build system is based on scons. When building the project for the first time, it may be necessary to provide the locations of dependencies on the scons command line. The locations specified are stored in the build configuration (build/config.json) so they do not need to be provided when rebuilding the project.

By default, scons will build all the files in the build directory. The scons command accepts extra command line arguments to control the build process:

  LLVM_CONFIG=<path>      Specify the location of the llvm-config executable.
  XILINX_VITIS_HLS=<path> Specify the location of the Vitis-HLS installation.
  -j<N>                   Run <N> jobs in parallel.
  run_tests               Build the project and run the tests.
  <path-to-file>          Build the specified file.
  <path-to-directory>     Build all the files in the specified directory.

On CentOS 7, the first build of Nanotube must use a different command to make sure the correct C++ compiler is used. Distributions with a more recent C++ compiler do not need this modification.

  scl enable devtoolset-6 'scons -j4 [arguments]'

The path to the llvm-config executable is specified using the LLVM_CONFIG variable on the scons command line and the path to the Vitis-HLS installation is specified using the XILINX_VITIS_HLS variable:

  scons LLVM_CONFIG=/scratch/$USER/llvm-project/build/bin/llvm-config XILINX_VITIS_HLS=/scratch/$USER/Vitis_HLS_2022.2 [args...]

(NOTE: When building on a machine inside the AMD / Xilinx network, we use an existing Vitis-HLS install and XILINX_VITIS_HLS is auto-detected and can be omitted.)

Once the build directory has been created using the commands above, the LLVM_CONFIG and XILINX_VITIS_HLS options can be omitted, so the tests can be re-run using this shorter command:

  scons -j4 run_tests

To compile the bpf-compile compiler (eBBPF -> LLVM-IR) do the following:

  scons build/bpf-compile

To run the resulting tool, use

  build/bpf-compile examples/build/xdp_tx_iptunnel_kern.o

Running tests from outside the repository

Nanotube has support for running tests that live outside of the main repository, but follow the same types (e.g., kernel_tests, pass_tests) and use the same build & run infrastructure as the tests in this repository. This can be useful for running tests as part of regression testing that should not be in this repository.

The external tests will be built into the normal build directory. Note that the setting will persist across invocations to scons, please see below.

Use as follows:

scons ... EXTRA_TESTS=../my_additional_tests/ all
scons ... run_tests

The directory structure in my_additional_tests should match that of what exists in the normal Nanotube repository:

> tree -L 2 -d ../my_additional_tests
├── testing
│   ├── kernel_tests
│   └── pass_tests

These additional tests will use the same build and test running infrastructure as the existing tests, but custom files need to be provided in my_additional_tests:

Have a look at the tests in this repository for how they are used.

Perform an HLS build

When scons has finished building the compiler and tests, the following command will perform an HLS build of one of the test programs.

  scripts/hls_build -- \
    build/testing/kernel_tests/tap_packet_read.link_taps.inline_opt.hls \
    tmp/tap_packet_read \
    --pcap-in $(pwd)/build/testing/kernel_tests/golden/test_tap_packet_read.pcap.IN \
    --pcap-exp $(pwd)/build/testing/kernel_tests/golden/test_tap_packet_read.pcap.OUT

The HLS build benefits from machines with fast CPUs and lots of memory. If your environment has access to an LSF cluster, you can use "--bsub" after "scripts/hls_build" to run the compilation there. Note that this may need adaptation depending on your specific LSF setup. Add "-j " to run multiple jobs in parallel. Add "--clean most" to remove the simulation directories after completing each synthesis.

The utilisation and performance can be viewed with the following command:

  scripts/report_hls_synth tmp/tap_packet_read

The -s option will give just the aggregate values.


Please see examples/katran/README.md for an example using Facebook's Katran L4 load balancer.

The tests (especially those in testing/kernel_tests) also provide insight into Nanotube functionality.


Nanotube currently does not have a formal release process. That means we do not provide formal releases, stable branches, etc. Instead, the main branch will regularly receive new features, bug fixes, and occasionally bigger changes such as API changes.


Contributing to the Nanotube compiler is possible via GitHub pull requests. External contributions will be reviewed by core Nanotube developers. If the contribution passes the review and fits the project, we will merge it; if not, we will provide comments on the proposed changes.

Here are a few rules for contributing:

Reporting bugs

We use GitHub issues for tracking bugs in the compiler.


When filing a bug, the summary should include a short clear description of the bug.

Information to include in the description.

The description should provide enough details for someone else to reproduce the problem. The following pieces of information will make that easier.

What commands you typed.

If you provide the exact commands you typed then the person who is trying to reproduce the problem can copy them into their terminal. Without the exact commands, they are likely to type a different command which might not show the problem. It's important to provide the full commands, even if you think some parts are not relevant.

What you are trying to do.

Sometimes the desired effect of a command is not obvious. If you describe what you are trying to do, the person handling the bug can confirm that the commands you typed are expected to have the effect you want.

What output you saw.

The person trying to reproduce the problem will want to know whether their attempt has been successful. An easy way to do that is to copy the output you saw into the bug report. The output may also allow them to diagnose the problem without reproducing it.

What output did you expected to see.

It's useful to be clear about what you expect to see, even if you think that is obvious. For example, if the program crashed, you might say that you expect it to generate an error message or that you expect it to successfully generate the output file. This is to make sure the bug gets fixed in a way which is acceptable to you.

The commit ID of the Nanotube repository.

Some bugs only occur with specific versions of the Nanotube source code. To make sure the person trying to reproduce the problem is using the same version, provide the commit ID in your description. This can be obtained by using the following command:

git log -1

The version of the operating system being run.

Some bugs only occur with a specific operating system or version of an operating system. To handle these cases, it's useful to provide the operating system version being used in the bug description. The following command will report the operating system version on most Linux distributions:

lsb_release -a