Xindictus / speech_sentiment_recognition

Sentiment Recognition in audio using Machine Learning (ML)
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ML Project - Speech Sentiment Recognition

Sentiment Recognition in speech using Machine Learning (ML)

python version pre-commit

1. Description

2. Setup of the environment

  1. Install pip.

  2. Create a virtual enviroment .

  3. Install project depedencies:

    a. Using pip:

    • Go into the app directory.
    • Create a new virtual environment:

      python3 -m venv env

    • Source your virtual env:

      source env/bin/activate

    • Install requirements with:

      pip install -r requirements.txt

    b. Using conda

    • Create environment from .yml:

      conda env create -f environment.yml

    • Activate environment:

      conda activate mlspeech

  4. Run setup to export PYTHONPATH:


3. Script execution

  1. To create the datasets, run:

    python parsers/

    This will extract the features from both datasets, create the waveplots and spectrograms examples, and finally create the train.csv and test.csv.

    During the extraction process, we create extra records using the original audio files to also introduce noise and time stretch. We've also explored pitch shift with little success.

    To avoid "cheating", the test.csv will be comprised only of actresses whose audio clips won't be involved in the training process. They will essentially be completely unknown data. The test.csv will not be included at any part of the training.

  2. To create some generic plots, execute:

    python plots/

  3. We use the train.csv exported in the previous step to find the features that seem most important for our use case. We explored this using 3 different methods:

    • PCA:

      python feature_engineering/

    • RFE (explores for linear kernel of SVM):

      python feature_engineering/

    • RandomForestClassifier for feature importance:

      python feature_engineering/

    We save the list of most important features in a pickle file to use during model training.

    The best results were achieved by using the feature importance from RandomForestClassifier.

  4. Model training & evaluation

    • We start by tuning the SVM hyperparameters using GridSearchCV:

      python models/

    • Using the hyperparameters (C and gamma for rbf kernel) proposed by GridSearchCV, we move on to the SVM model training:

      python models/

    • Similariy, we execute the script for the KNN classifier:

      python models/

    Trained models are exported to a joblib file for use in the demo.

  5. To test our model for both SVM and KNN, we just need to run the demo:

    python demo/