XinhaoMei / DCASE2021_task6_v2

Code for CVSSP submission to DCASE 2021 Task 6
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CVSSP Audio Captioning System for DCASE challenges 2021 and 2022

Set up environment

Set up dataset

Prepare evaluation tool

Run experiments

Cross-entropy training

Reinforcement learning training


For more details, please refer to our technical report (pdf, 2022), (pdf, 2021) and paper (pdf).

If you use our code, please kindly cite following:

    author = "Mei, Xinhao and Huang, Qiushi and Liu, Xubo and Chen, Gengyun and Wu, Jingqian and Wu, Yusong and ZHAO, Jinzheng and Li, Shengchen and Ko, Tom and Tang, H. and Shao, Xi and Plumbley, Mark D. and Wang, Wenwu",
    title = "An Encoder-Decoder Based Audio Captioning System with Transfer and Reinforcement Learning",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 6th Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events 2021 Workshop (DCASE2021)",
    address = "Barcelona, Spain",
    month = "November",
    year = "2021",
    pages = "206--210",
    isbn = "978-84-09-36072-7",
    doi. = "10.5281/zenodo.5770113"