Xinyuan-LilyGO / LilyGo-T-Call-SIM800
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Different Behavior on TCall Modules #142

Closed Hackaroth closed 3 years ago

Hackaroth commented 3 years ago

Hi everyone. I have a strange problem with this module. I have a tcall board marked with BLYNK V.1.3 20190610. On this module a write my own software using modem and it work correctly. About a few days ago i buyed a new board on marked BLYNK V.1.4 20-08-11 that have some harware differences. Different (bigger) jst for battery, a new power led, and so on. The problem is that when i flash the same software on the new board nothing works. It seems that the at command response with echoed command. Example: I i send AT+GSN\r\n on the first board it response with

OK The same command on the second board response with AT+GSN OK I treid the commad AT+CGMR on both boards and the response is the same Revision:1418B05SIM800L24 Please help Thanks
Hackaroth commented 3 years ago

I solved by myself. There is a AT command to send to disable the command echoed in response. The command is ATE0

Thanks anyway