Xinyuan-LilyGO / T-Display-S3-AMOLED

An upgraded version of T-Display-S3. It has a high-resolution color screen and more configurable GPIO ports. Enrich your needs.
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Connecting WS2812 5050 LED Strip #33

Closed JpEncausse closed 1 month ago

JpEncausse commented 1 month ago

Hello, I was wondering if it is possible to connect WS2812 5050 LED Strip with FastLED? The strip require 5V if I understood.

I have both old and new version. According to the scema it is written

I tested on Old version it doesn"t work. If I plug on 3.3V it works but LED are all scramble. Not enought power I think Could you provide some clarification ?

Thanks !

teastainGit commented 1 month ago

A large strip cannot practically powered by the board, it requires a separate power supply and just join the grounds together.

JpEncausse commented 1 month ago

The fun fact is that it works on a small TTGO-T-Display 5V with a 144 LED WS2812B but not on the AMOLED Do I have to "power" both GND ? (I leave one empty)

JpEncausse commented 1 month ago

My bad, it seems to works with 3.3V. This weird behavior seems to be related with a bug in the code that was replicated on 2 test devices. So everythings fine !