XinyueHou / DATA550Project

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Project Title: Analysis of Disability and Health Data Description

The Disability and Health Data System (DHDS) is a vital resource developed and maintained by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This interactive tool provides users with the ability to access state-level data regarding adults with disabilities in the United States. The DHDS dataset is designed to inform and assist public health programs, policy makers, and researchers in understanding and addressing the health needs of adults living with disabilities.

The DHDS categorizes disabilities into six functional types: cognitive, hearing, mobility, vision, self-care, and independent living. Each category encompasses specific challenges that individuals may face, such as serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions (cognitive); serious difficulty hearing or being deaf (hearing); serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs (mobility); serious difficulty seeing, even when wearing glasses (vision); difficulty dressing or bathing (self-care); and difficulty doing errands alone due to a physical, mental, or emotional condition (independent living).

The data within the DHDS is collected through the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), the world's largest telephone survey, which gathers information on health-related risk behaviors, chronic health conditions, and use of preventive services. Through the DHDS, data is made accessible in a user-friendly format, offering insights into the prevalence and impact of disabilities across different states and demographic groups.

This analysis aims to explore the prevalence of different types of disabilities by state, examine the overall distribution of disability types, and compare the prevalence of disabilities across various demographics. By exploring into the DHDS dataset, we seek to uncover patterns and insights that can contribute to the development of more inclusive and effective public health strategies, ensuring that individuals with disabilities receive the support and services they need to lead healthy lives.

The repository is organized as follows:

data/: Contains the dataset Disability_and_Health_Data_SystemDHDS20240219.csv. R/: Includes R scripts for data analysis. docs/: Contains the R Markdown document report.Rmd for the final report and the generated Markdown/HTML report. Figures generated by the R code are stored in docs/figures/. Tables generated by the R code are stored in docs/output/tables/. Provides an overview of the project and instructions for reproducing the analysis. Makefile: A makefile to automate the generation of the final report.

To generate the final report:

Ensure you have R and the required R packages installed. The main packages used include ggplot2, dplyr, knitr, and kableExtra. Clone this repository to your local machine. Navigate to the project directory in your terminal. Run make report to generate the final report from the report.Rmd file. The output will be saved in the docs/ directory.

The final report includes:

An overview of the data. Descriptive statistics of the study population. A distribution of disability types. Code for Tables and Figures The code for creating required tables is located in R/analysis_script.R. The code for generating figures is also found within R/analysis_script.R.

Docker Instructions

Building the Docker Image

To build the Docker image, run the following command in your project directory:

docker build -t your-image-name .