Xlinka / TikTok-Downloader

GNU General Public License v3.0
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TikTok Downloader

This is a C# console application that allows you to download TikTok videos by providing the video URL. The application utilizes the TikTok API to fetch the video metadata and download the video file.

How to Use

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine.
  2. Open the solution in your preferred C# IDE.
  3. Build the solution to restore the dependencies.
  4. Run the application.


  1. When prompted, enter the URL of the TikTok video you want to download.
  2. The application will fetch the video metadata using the TikTok API.
  3. If the video is found, it will be downloaded and saved in the "Videos" folder in the application directory.
  4. The downloaded video file will be named with the video ID.


TikTok Downloader Enter the URL of the TikTok video you want to download: https://www.tiktok.com/@username/video/1234567890123456789

Video ID: 1234567890123456789 Download URL: https://api16-normal-c-useast1a.tiktokv.com/aweme/v1/play/?video_id=1234567890123456789 Video downloaded successfully: Videos/1234567890123456789.mp4
