XoomCode / AcidMaps

Interpolated Images Generator
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Acid Maps with Google Streets or OpenStreetMaps Help #12

Closed owensjmo closed 12 years ago

owensjmo commented 12 years ago


I am using geoserver to create openlayers maps via wms. I have been able to get acid maps to work in an openlayers map that is composed of a wms base layer (a us zip code boundary map stored in geoserver) and ams layer (custom point data I have created and stored in geoserver as a point layer). My issue is creating an openlayers map that has google streets or openstreetsmap as a base layer and my point layer as an ams layer. Cannot get it to work, I suspect it is an issue related to projection. Unfortunately I have not found any examples online of a google streets with acidmaps map to understand how this can be accomplished... Question is: Is this possible?

Thanks in advance...

John Owens owensjmo@gmail.com

maurimiranda commented 12 years ago

Can you try to reproject your layer to Google's projection (900913)? Maybe Geoserver is not doing it automatically and you can't have two different projections in the same map.

owensjmo commented 12 years ago

Maurimiranda, yes thanks for suggestion... I did suspect all along the issue is related to the data's projection. I am playing around with it and will let you know the outcome. Otherwise, I am pleased with what I have been able to accomplish so far with acid maps! Nice tool...


John Owens owensjmo@gmail.com

owensjmo commented 12 years ago

Problem was related to point layer being loaded into geoserver incorrectly. Reprojected layer to epsg 900913 and then imported it to geoserver and configured the declared SRS to EPSG:900913. My openlayers map consisting of a google streets base layer and a AMS layer now works perfectly.


John Owens owensjmo@gmail.com

maurimiranda commented 12 years ago

Hey John,

I'm glad you solved the problem. Thanks for sharing your experience with AcidMaps.


plepe commented 12 years ago


I'd like to re-open this issue, I think there's something wrong with AcidMaps code. I also want to show some data (which I have in WGS-84) on a OSM Map which is in projection 900913. If I import the data as EPSG:4326 and re-project these to EPSG:900913 inside GeoServer the AMS map shows nothing (just white) (the original layer works fine though). If I import the data in EPSG:900913 without re-projectiong the AMS works fine.

Maybe AcidMaps is using the native projection of the data and not the declared?
