XoomCode / AcidMaps

Interpolated Images Generator
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
33 stars 10 forks source link



AcidMaps is an open source library that generates interpolated images from a set of valued points in real time.

It's can be used to generate advanced visualizations with point datasets: (e.g.: sales, temperature, atmospheric pressure, population)


AcidMaps is compiled as a shared library. You can use it from C/C++ programs, Python (through CTypes), Java (through JNI), and any other system that can access a native library.

Also in the downloads page you can find some pre-compiled AcidMaps packages which should cover common uses. We'll see how to use it with GeoServer (>= 2.1) in the following quick start.


The GeoServer plugin of AcidMaps allows you to use existent layers to generate interpolated maps.

(NOTE: This plugin relies on functionality added on GeoServer 2.1, previous versions are not supported)

  1. Download JNI adapter (http://goo.gl/HwJQ4) and extract to your system library path. (e.g.: /usr/lib/libacidmaps-jni.so)

  2. Download GeoServer plugin (http://goo.gl/0qb7a) and extract to Geoserver lib directory. (e.g.: geoserver/WEB-INF/lib/acidmaps-2.0.jar)

  3. Start GeoServer and try this http://localhost:8080/geoserver/wms?service=AMS&version=1.1.0&request=GetMap&layers=sf:bugsites&styles=&bbox=590223.4382724703,4914107.882513998,608462.4604629107,4920523.89081033&width=938&height=330&srs=EPSG:26713&format=image/png&VALUE_COLUMN=cat&SIMPLIFY_METHOD=3&SIMPLIFY_SIZE=90&INTERVALS[]=10,20,45,70,100&INTERVALS_COLORS[]=0xffffff80,0xff000080,0xffff0080,0x00ff0080,0x0000ff80&RENDERER_TYPE=2&INTERPOLATION_STRATEGY=2&radius=40

  4. Opaaaa!

    Now, you can use any WMS layer in GeoServer whose geographic data is a point and has a Numeric column to be interpolated.

    You only need to add some parameters to WMS request and GeoServer will return an AMS interpolated map.

    An example of AMS request with OpenLayers:

    wms = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS( "sf:bugsites - Untiled", "http://ams.xoomcode.com/geoserver/wms", { LAYERS: 'sf:bugsites', STYLES: '', format: format, VALUE_COLUMN:"cat", SIMPLIFY_METHOD: 3, SIMPLIFY_SIZE:90, 'INTERVALS[]':"10,20,45,70,100", 'INTERVALS_COLORS[]':"0xffffffcc,0xff0000cc,0xffff00cc,0xff00cc,0xffcc", RENDERER_TYPE:2, INTERPOLATION_STRATEGY:2, RADIUS:40, SERVICE:"AMS" }, {singleTile: true, ratio: 1} );

    More information: https://github.com/XoomCode/AcidMaps/wiki


AcidMaps is released under LGPL. Copyright © 2011, XoomCode. All rights reserved.


If you find a bug, please report it at http://github.com/XoomCode/AcidMaps/issues