XudayberdiyevB / P10-test-project

P10 test project 2023
2 stars 5 forks source link


P10 test project 2023

Repository ni o'zgartirib, qaytarib yuborish:

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone https://github.com/XudayberdiyevB/P10-test-project.git

  2. Go to the repository's folder:
    cd P10-test-project

  3. Add or edit some files.

  4. Update changes with repository:
    git add .

  5. Commit changes:
    git commit -m your_commit_name

  6. Push the repository to new-changes branch:
    git push origin new-changes

Yangi branch yaratish va unga repository ni yuklash

  1. Check what branch are you in:
    git branch -a

Usually, you'll be headed into main branch. So we shall change it.

  1. Create a new branch:
    git branch new_branch name

  2. Move to the new branch:
    git checkout new_branch_name