Xuefeng-Zhu / cSpeed

Chrome Extension to analyse Internet speed
MIT License
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About us

We are computer scientists at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, working on making the Internet faster. The first step, of course, is to measure how fast the Internet is today. We developed Chronograph with twin objectives: (a) to measure Internet speed from a diverse set of locations and ISPs; and (b) to provide you a way of comparing Internet service options in your area. The bandwidth numbers (Mbps / Gbps) ISPs and other 'speed tests' report are not as meaningful as the actual performance we measure.



cSpeed measures how fast your Internet really is. It does so by directly observing how much time it takes to load popular webpages. It does not collect any personal web-browsing information. It only measures load times for a list of popular sites. We do record your IP address, city, and browser user-agent (which includes your operating system and browser version). In addition to launching and measuring load times of websites, we also run a small javascript test to estimate your computer's computational power.



Server side code is avaible here