Xuerian / XLoot

World of Warcraft addon enhancing loot related functionality
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[Retail] Group loot question #19

Closed TreizeEU closed 1 year ago

TreizeEU commented 1 year ago

Are the Group loot module still broken/unusable (since DF pre-patch)?

I ran LFR last night, and got the below error. Group loot frame pops up when a boss is looted, but it has no text and seems to stay there until I reload my UI (even if the roll timer runs out).

311x FontString:SetText(): Font not set [string "=[C]"]: in functionSetText' [string "@XLoot_Group/Group.lua"]:785: in function SetText' [string "@XLoot_Group/Group.lua"]:451: in function?' [string "@XLoot/XLoot.lua"]:39: in function <XLoot/XLoot.lua:37>

Locals: (temporary) = FontString { 0 = } (temporary) = "1" `

Xuerian commented 1 year ago

I can't reproduce this error.

Are you getting any other errors?

Have you tried reinstalling the mod?

What happens when you use /xlgd ?

TreizeEU commented 1 year ago

I think that's the only error I'm getting, and /xlgd does nothing for me? I only get a chat-error saying "Type '/help' for a listing of a few commands"?

Could it be caused by the font I use?

I will run LFR again today so I can test font-settings between bosses.

Xuerian commented 1 year ago

It's possible, but I would imagine there would be another error first. It sets the font when it initializes, and that happens before the error you're giving me.

You can try installing the unpackaged version from here, remove/move out what you have and unpack https://github.com/Xuerian/XLoot/archive/refs/heads/master.zip to Interface/Addons (you may need to rename the main folder to "XLoot", I can't recall if wow cares), so you have Addons/XLoot/XLoot.lua etc.

Then you can use /xlgd to test group wherever.

TreizeEU commented 1 year ago

So, I just copied the files within that zip-file into the /Addons/XLoot folder and got the /xlgd command to work (although, I'm not sure how I'm meant to use that command), however. I did get 7 new errors from XLoot:

`1x XLoot/Modules/Options/Libs/embeds.xml:4 Couldn't open XLoot/AceConfig-3.0-3/AceConfig-3.0.xml 1x XLoot/Modules/Options/Libs/embeds.xml:3 Couldn't open XLoot/AceGUI-3.0-41/AceGUI-3.0.xml 1x XLoot/Libs/Embeds.xml:8 Couldn't open XLoot/AceDB-3.0-27/AceDB-3.0.xml 1x XLoot/Libs/Embeds.xml:7 Couldn't open XLoot/AceAddon-3.0-13/AceAddon-3.0.xml 1x XLoot/Libs/Embeds.xml:5 Couldn't open XLoot/CallbackHandler-1.0-8/CallbackHandler-1.0.xml 1x XLoot/Libs/Embeds.xml:4 Error loading XLoot/LibStub-1.0.2-70000/LibStub.lua

1x XLoot/XLoot.lua:22: Usage: NewModule(name, [prototype, [lib, lib, lib, ...]): 'name' - Module 'Options' already exists.

[string "@DataStore/libs/AceAddon-3.0-13/AceAddon-3.0.lua"]:235: in function <DataStore/libs/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua:231> [string "@XLoot/XLoot.lua"]:22: in function NewModule' [string "@XLoot_Options/Options.lua"]:58: in main chunk [string "=[C]"]: in functionLoadAddOn' [string "@XLoot/XLoot.lua"]:143: in function <XLoot/XLoot.lua:131>

[string "@DataStore/libs/AceAddon-3.0-13/AceAddon-3.0.lua"]:66: in function <DataStore/libs/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua:61> [string "@DataStore/libs/AceAddon-3.0-13/AceAddon-3.0.lua"]:523: in function EnableAddon' [string "@DataStore/libs/AceAddon-3.0-13/AceAddon-3.0.lua"]:626: in function <DataStore/libs/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua:611> [string "=[C]"]: in functionLoadAddOn' [string "@FrameXML/UIParent.lua"]:544: in function UIParentLoadAddOn' ... [string "@FrameXML/UIParent.lua"]:753: in functionMajorFactions_LoadUI' [string "@Blizzard_ExpansionLandingPage/Blizzard_DragonflightLandingPage.lua"]:100: in function SetUpMajorFactionList' [string "@Blizzard_ExpansionLandingPage/Blizzard_DragonflightLandingPage.lua"]:93: in functionRefreshMajorFactionList' [string "@Blizzard_ExpansionLandingPage/Blizzard_DragonflightLandingPage.lua"]:88: in function `RefreshOverlay' [string "@Blizzard_ExpansionLandingPage/Blizzard_DragonflightLandingPage.lua"]:80: in function <...sionLandingPage/Blizzard_DragonflightLandingPage.lua:76>

string "=[C]": in function CreateFrame' [string "@Blizzard_ExpansionLandingPage/Blizzard_DragonflightLandingPage.lua"]:49: in functionCreateOverlay' [string "@Blizzard_ExpansionLandingPage/Blizzard_ExpansionLandingPage.lua"]:63: in function `RefreshExpansionOverlay' [string "@Blizzard_ExpansionLandingPage/Blizzard_ExpansionLandingPage.lua"]:35: in function <...pansionLandingPage/Blizzard_ExpansionLandingPage.lua:33>

Locals: (*temporary) = "Usage: NewModule(name, [prototype, [lib, lib, lib, ...]): 'name' - Module 'Options' already exists."`

Do you think this is related to the below error I've also been getting from Tekticles since the pre-patch?

25485x tekticles/tekticles.lua:3: Usage: self:SetFont(fontFile, height, flags) [string "=[C]"]: in functionSetFont' [string "@tekticles/tekticles.lua"]:3: in function <tekticles/tekticles.lua:2> [string "@tekticles/tekticles.lua"]:28: in function <tekticles/tekticles.lua:13>

Locals: (temporary) = AchievementFont_Small { 0 = } (temporary) = "Interface\AddOns\tekticles\CalibriBold.ttf" (temporary) = 12 (temporary) = nil`

TreizeEU commented 1 year ago

Update: I killed a LFR boss and no rolling frame popped up at all (I had used the /xlgd command before the fight).

Not sure if these are the same, but I triggered two more lua errors from that session:

4x XLoot/Modules/Group/Group.lua:1141: bad argument #1 to 'unpack' (table expected, got nil) [string "=[C]"]: in functionunpack' [string "@XLoot/Modules/Group/Group.lua"]:1141: in function <XLoot/Modules/Group/Group.lua:1140> [string "@XLoot/Modules/Group/Group.lua"]:234: in function `?' [string "@XLoot/XLoot.lua"]:39: in function <XLoot/XLoot.lua:37>

Locals: (temporary) = nil (temporary) = "table expected, got nil"`


89x XLoot/Modules/Group/Group.lua:1168: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value) [string "@XLoot/Modules/Group/Group.lua"]:1168: in function <XLoot/Modules/Group/Group.lua:1167> [string "@XLoot/Modules/Group/Group.lua"]:387: in function?' [string "@XLoot/XLoot.lua"]:39: in function <XLoot/XLoot.lua:37>

Locals: hid = 3 (temporary) = defined =[C]:-1 (temporary) = nil (*temporary) = "attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)" FakeHistory =

{ items =
{ } rolls =
{ } links =
{ } }`

Xuerian commented 1 year ago

Please test with only XLoot enabled - You may need to install and enable the dependencies, Ace3, separately.

/xlgd is "xloot group debug", and the idea is to use it while just standing not in a group. It generates one fake roll at a time. It will definitely break group if it wasn't already broken until you /reloadui as it swaps in testing functions.

Sorry about not explaining that thoroughly.

Please let me know what happens when you try that.

TreizeEU commented 1 year ago

So, I did that and the fake item rolling frame showed up, seemed to disappear like it should once the timer ran out.

This did cause a bunch new lua errors though (even if I download and enable Ace3 as a separate addon).


Xuerian commented 1 year ago

Any of the "Error loading/Couldn't open" errors are fine. They're a side effect of running the addon without the libraries inside of it.

If you get any errors that aren't those two things, you should post them here.

You can try enabling your other addons and seeing what /xlgd does, too.

TreizeEU commented 1 year ago

Using that command with the regular set of addons enabled, causes a chat message "XLoot Group: Ignoring STAR_LOOT_ROLL" with no name", it doesn't cause a fake loot roll.

Fresh BugGrabber.lua file after deleting the old file and enabled addons:


Xuerian commented 1 year ago

Module 'Options' already exists implies you have the separate modules enabled at the same time as "XLoot" (Combined package). Disable "XLoot Frame" etc while testing this.

TreizeEU commented 1 year ago

I am still getting those "Couldn't load x lib" with my regular addons enabled, but only the main Xloot folder. I just moved the other 5 folders to my desktop (Frame, Group, Master, Monitor and Options). Without those folders, XLoot appears to work fine. Options work, monitor works and the options menu for Group and for Master appear.

And the command appears to be working now, too?

It seems both LibStub and CallbackHandler are installed as separate addons but when I turn them off and reload ui, I still get the lua errors.

Xuerian commented 1 year ago

Yes, the couldn't load errors are fine, ignore them. If they bother you, you can comment them out in the .toc files, but it doesn't matter. I'm just looking for any errors NOT involving them.

You can leave LibStub and CallbackHandler installed as separate addons if you had them. Only need the "XLoot {module}" folders out.

So /xlgd works with that. Do they work with real loot? (Remember to /reloadui if you used /xlgd)

TreizeEU commented 1 year ago

So, I just did another run of LFR and the group module seems to work normally now. Do I need to live with those lua errors, then, or is there a way to fix them other than commenting out lines in the xloot.toc file after every update (presumably)?

Xuerian commented 1 year ago

If the git version (this one) works, the live version should also work. They're the same code. Try just cleanly reinstalling it normally. (Remove or disable "XLoot")

TreizeEU commented 1 year ago

So I delete the XLoot folder in Interface/Addons, then reinstall it through the curseforge client?

Xuerian commented 1 year ago

Yes. Delete any XLoot folder inside of Interface/Addons, and reinstall through curseforge.

TreizeEU commented 1 year ago

Done, I'm guessing it's fine that it reinstalled the modules (frames, monitor, etc) again? At least I'm not getting those couldn't load errors now, so that's good? :)

I will probably run another round of LFR tomorrow after reset to see if all's good with the group module.

I really don't know what was broken, but thanks for helping sort this out.

Xuerian commented 1 year ago

It should, yes. The Curseforge packager takes the zip you downloaded, removes debugging stuff, patches in localizations, and extracts the modules (frame/etc) into their own folders.

Let me know how it goes. Glad to help.

TreizeEU commented 1 year ago

Yup, the group module seems to work now, no lua errors after running the first wing of LFR. You can probably close this ticket now. :)

Xuerian commented 1 year ago

Sounds good.

Sometimes turning it off and on again with malicious intent really is the answer.