Bought the wallet, tried using it on coins throughout the facility and got a NullReferenceException error. The coin doesn't get picked but remains on the ground and nothing in the wallet. Could be conflicts in mods since the number of mods we play with is high.
What did you do?
I joined a game my friend was hosting
We landed on any planet
Bought the wallet
Holding the wallet - Find a coin in the facility
Attempt to pickup coin
FOUND: Error
What OS are you running?
Windows 10
List of mods used
250 mods:
added profile as r2modman code: 01927c82-dfcd-6ea4-ee21-96992427779d
Relevant log output
[03:52:37.2433772] [Error : Unity Log] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Stack trace:
CodeRebirth.src.Content.Items.WalletOld.DestroyObject (Unity.Netcode.NetworkObject netObj) (at ./src/Content/Items/WalletOld.cs:66)
CodeRebirth.src.Content.Items.WalletOld.DestroyObjectClientRpc (Unity.Netcode.NetworkObjectReference obj) (at ./src/Content/Items/WalletOld.cs:59)
CodeRebirth.src.Content.Items.WalletOld.__rpc_handler_1062471771 (Unity.Netcode.NetworkBehaviour target, Unity.Netcode.FastBufferReader reader, Unity.Netcode.__RpcParams rpcParams) (at <08081d20482a4c33a938aeeb9ea19329>:IL_0049)
(wrapper dynamic-method) Unity.Netcode.RpcMessageHelpers.DMD<Unity.Netcode.RpcMessageHelpers::Handle>(Unity.Netcode.NetworkContext&,Unity.Netcode.RpcMetadata&,Unity.Netcode.FastBufferReader&,Unity.Netcode.__RpcParams&)
Rethrow as Exception: Unhandled RPC exception!
Unity.Netcode.RpcMessageHelpers:DMD<Unity.Netcode.RpcMessageHelpers::Handle>(NetworkContext&, RpcMetadata&, FastBufferReader&, __RpcParams&)
Unity.Netcode.NetworkMessageManager:ReceiveMessage(FastBufferReader, NetworkContext&, NetworkMessageManager)
Unity.Netcode.NetworkMessageManager:HandleMessage(NetworkMessageHeader&, FastBufferReader, UInt64, Single, Int32)
Code of Conduct
[X] I agree to follow this project's Code of Conduct
Installation Method
r2modman / r2mm
What happened?
Bought the wallet, tried using it on coins throughout the facility and got a NullReferenceException error. The coin doesn't get picked but remains on the ground and nothing in the wallet. Could be conflicts in mods since the number of mods we play with is high.
What did you do?
What OS are you running?
Windows 10
List of mods used
250 mods:
added profile as r2modman code: 01927c82-dfcd-6ea4-ee21-96992427779d
Relevant log output
Code of Conduct