YMCMB-UCVTS / FinalProject

Final Project
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The game that will be created will consist of four varied mini-games. Their will be a main menu with a button for each game and an instructions screen. Each game will have a game over screen and a winning screen. Each game will have different objectives. The four games will be Pong, Soccer, a shooting gallery, and a maze. The target audience is children of all ages.

Pong will be a two player game where each player has their own side of the screen with a paddle that they can control using two keys on the keyboard. A ball will start in the middle of the screen and begin to move to one side. The player must intercept the ball with their paddle to send it to the other side of the screen. If one player misses the ball and it passes the screen, the other player gets a point. Once a point is scored, the ball reappears in the middle of the screen and a new point starts. First to seven points wins.

The maze game will have a player going through a maze with an initial velocity and an increasing acceleration. They must control their character using the arrow keys. If the player touches any of the walls of the game, then they lose. If a player successfully goes through the maze, they increase to the next level. There will be three levels to the game. After the player successfully completes all three levels they will have won the game. The player must complete the game within three minutes to be successful.

The soccer game will be a game where a player will control a soccer ball that moves vertically across the screen with the intent to get the ball into a goal defended by a moving goalie. The player must press space at the right time to shoot the ball into the goal. A score will be kept and there will be a finite number of lives. As the player reaches ten points, the game gets harder, with the goalie and ball moving faster and the ball moving farther across the screen. The player will win the game when they reach a score of twenty.

The Shooting Gallery game gives the player a gun to shoot at a line of moving ducks. They must press space bar at the right time to shoot in order to hit the target. Each time they hit a duck, their score increases. Each time they mistakenly hit a gray duck, the timer decreases by five seconds. Once the player reaches a score of fifteen, the targets speed up. At a score of twenty-nine, a new target appears. Once they hit the special target and reach thirty points, they win.

| Jobs | Project Manager - Annaliese Mugele | Graphic Designer - Jane Castro | Bug Tester - Andy Val | UI Designer - Michael Ioannou | Code Monkey - Chris Mendoza |