YOU-95z / Path-Planning

Path Planning for Helical Needle based on APF-SAGA
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Path Planning for Concentric Surgical Needles based on Artificial Potential Field driven Simulated





Thanks to the authors of the paper [1] for kindly sharing their code of AI-PSO.


[1] Tan Z, Liang H-G, Zhang D, et al. (2022) Path planning of surgical needle: A new adaptive intelligent particle swarm optimization method. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control 44(4): 766–774.
[2] Tan Z, Zhang D, Liang H, et al. (2022) A new path planning method for bevel-tip flexible needle insertion in 3D space with multiple targets and obstacles. Control Theory and Technology 20(4): 525–535.
[3] Cai C, Sun C, Han Y, et al. (2020) Clinical flexible needle puncture path planning based on particle swarm optimization. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 193: 105511.