YOURLS / 404-if-not-found

Redirect with a 404 when short URL is not found
Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License
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404 yourls yourls-plugin

YOURLS plugin : 404 if not found Listed in Awesome YOURLS!

By default and by design, when a requested short URL is not found, YOURLS redirects to the site root with a "302 temporary redirect" header.

From the source:

yourls_redirect( YOURLS_SITE, 302 ); // no 404 to tell browser this might change,
                                     // and also to not pollute logs

This plugin outputs a default "404 not found" error page instead.


  1. In /user/plugins, create a new folder named 404-if-not-found.
  2. Drop these files in that directory.
  3. Go to the Plugins administration page (eg. http://sho.rt/admin/plugins.php) and activate the plugin.
  4. Have fun!


Do whatever the hell you want with this.