YSUatKHE14 / zeroPlayerGame

This is a zero player game made by the YSU team at Kent Hack Enough 2014.
MIT License
2 stars 1 forks source link

A Zero Player Game

This is a zero player game made by the YSU team at Kent Hack Enough 2014. Because the YSU team had more than 4 people in it we didn't qualify for any prizes, but I think a lot of people learned a bunch and had a great time anyway.

Thanks so much for the KHE team for having us!

To play

Simply clone the master branch and launch index.html in a HTML5 browser. The game is all HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript, and is completely client side. It should pretty much run on anything.

Or you can play the latest release at http://ysuatkhe14.github.io/zeroPlayerGame/ .