YSmetana / raid_arcconf_zabbix_lld

Zabbix LLD and monitoring script for Adaptec RAID controllers
GNU General Public License v3.0
8 stars 12 forks source link

Zabbix LLD and monitoring for Adaptec RAID controllers

It is:

Demo screenshot:


Tested on:




Script use a arcconf utility by Adaptec from https://hwraid.le-vert.net/.

wget -O - https://hwraid.le-vert.net/debian/hwraid.le-vert.net.gpg.key | sudo apt-key add -
echo "deb http://hwraid.le-vert.net/debian jessie main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hwraid.list
apt update
apt install arcconf

Assuming arrconf is installed to /usr/sbin/arcconf.

whereis arcconf:

arcconf: /usr/sbin/arcconf

If not — consider to change path to the earcconf executable in the script.

Script download

Assuming current user is in the sudo group.

sudo mkdir /opt/zabbix_scripts
sudo chown zabbix:sudo /opt/zabbix_scripts
sudo chmod 775 /opt/zabbix_scripts
cd /opt/zabbix_scripts

git clone git@github.com:YSmetana/raid_arcconf_zabbix_lld.git

sudo chown -R zabbix:sudo raid_arcconf_zabbix_lld
sudo chmod 775 raid_arcconf_zabbix_lld
cd raid_arcconf_zabbix_lld
sudo chmod 774 *.py


arcconf need sudo.

sudo chown root:root raid_arcconf_zabbix_lld_sudo
sudo chmod 440 raid_arcconf_zabbix_lld_sudo
sudo ln -s /opt/zabbix_scripts/raid_arcconf_zabbix_lld/raid_arcconf_zabbix_lld_sudo /etc/sudoers.d/
sudo sudo -k

Zabbix "UserParameter"

sudo ln -s /opt/zabbix_scripts/raid_arcconf_zabbix_lld/raid_arcconf_zabbix_lld.conf /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf.d/
sudo service zabbix-agent restart

Manual test

sudo -u zabbix bash

zabbix_agentd -t "raid.arcconf[ad,-1,lld]"

raid.arcconf[ad,all,lld]                      [t|{"data": [{"{#OBJ_ALIAS}": "Adaptec 3405", "{#OBJ_TYPE}": "ad", "{#OBJ_ID}": 1}]}]

zabbix_agentd -t "raid.arcconf[ld,1,Status of Logical Device]"

raid.arcconf[ld,1,Status of Logical Device]   [t|Optimal]

Zabbix GUI

Import template raid_arcconf_zabbix_lld.xml into Zabbix: "Configuration -> Templates -> Import.". You shuld see template named Service_Adaptec_Raid.

Add host to the Template, or link template to the Host.


Using script for debugging purpose

Short help: raid_arcconf_zabbix_lld.py --help.

Logical (virtual) drives LLD:

raid_arcconf_zabbix_lld.py --verbose ld -1 lld:

{"data": [{"OBJ_TYPE": "ld", "OBJ_ALIAS": "zeta-r1-3t", "OBJ_ID": 0}, {"OBJ_TYPE": "ld", "OBJ_ALIAS": "zeta-v-s03", "OBJ_ID": 1}]}

To get a desired value you can use any "key" available in arcconf output (see "arcconf output example" below).

raid_arcconf_zabbix_lld.py ld 1 "Status of Logical Device"


arcconf example output

Adapter (controller) information

arcconf GETCONFIG 1 AD:

Controllers found: 1
Controller information
   Controller Status                        : Optimal
   Channel description                      : SAS/SATA
   Controller Model                         : Adaptec 3405
   Controller Serial Number                 : 8C16103DF1D
   Controller World Wide Name               : 50000D11009C9400
   Controller Alarm                         : Enabled
   Physical Slot                            : 3
   Temperature                              : 35 C/ 95 F (Normal)
   Installed memory                         : 128 MB
   Global task priority                     : High
   Host bus type                            : unknown
   Host bus speed                           : 0 MHz
   Host bus link width                      : 0 bit(s)/link(s)
   PCI Device ID                            : 645
   Stayawake period                         : Disabled
   Spinup limit internal drives             : 0
   Spinup limit external drives             : 0
   Defunct disk drive count                 : 1
   Logical devices/Failed/Degraded          : 2/0/1
   NCQ status                               : Enabled
   RAID Properties
   Copyback                                 : Disabled
   Automatic Failover                       : Enabled
   Background consistency check             : Disabled
   Background consistency check period      : 30
   Controller Version Information
   BIOS                                     : 5.2-0 (17342)
   Firmware                                 : 5.2-0 (17342)
   Driver                                   : 1.2-1 (41010)
   Boot Flash                               : 5.2-0 (17342)
   Controller Battery Information
   Status                                   : Optimal
   Over temperature                         : No
   Capacity remaining                       : 100 percent
   Time remaining (at current draw)         : 3 days, 1 hours, 52 minutes

Logical (virtual) disk information

arcconf GETCONFIG 1 LD 0

Controllers found: 1
Logical device information
Logical Device number 0
   Logical Device name                      : zeta-r1-3t
   Block Size of member drives              : 512 Bytes
   RAID level                               : 1
   Unique Identifier                        : B715F832
   Status of Logical Device                 : Degraded
   Additional details                       : Initialized with Build/Clear
   Size                                     : 2856950 MB
   Parity space                             : 2856960 MB
   Interface Type                           : SAS/SATA
   Device Type                              : HDD
   Read-cache setting                       : Enabled
   Read-cache status                        : On
   Write-cache setting                      : On when protected by battery/ZMM
   Write-cache status                       : On
   Partitioned                              : Yes
   Protected by Hot-Spare                   : No
   Bootable                                 : Yes
   Failed stripes                           : No
   Power settings                           : Disabled
   Logical Device segment information
   Segment 0                                : Present (2861588MB, SATA, HDD, Channel:0, Device:10)      WD-WCC4N0RUUPKF
   Segment 1                                : Missing

Physical disk information

arcconf GETCONFIG 1 PD

Controllers found: 1
Physical Device information
      Device #0
         Device is a Hard drive
         State                              : Online
         Block Size                         : 512 Bytes
         Supported                          : Yes
         Transfer Speed                     : SATA 3.0 Gb/s
         Reported Channel,Device(T:L)       : 0,10(10:0)
         Vendor                             : WDC
         Model                              : WD30EFRX-68EUZN0
         Firmware                           : 82.00A82
         Serial number                      : WD-WCC4N0RUUPKF
         Reserved Size                      : 4739480 KB
         Used Size                          : 2856960 MB
         Unused Size                        : 64 KB
         Total Size                         : 2861588 MB
         Write Cache                        : Enabled (write-back)
         FRU                                : None
         S.M.A.R.T.                         : No
         S.M.A.R.T. warnings                : 0
         SSD                                : No
         Temperature                        : Not Supported
         NCQ status                         : Enabled
      Device Phy Information                
         Phy #0
            PHY Identifier                  : 0
            SAS Address                     : 5001517507FE6003
            Attached PHY Identifier         : 2
            Attached SAS Address            : 5001517507FE6000

      Device #1
         Device is a Hard drive
         State                              : Online
         Block Size                         : 512 Bytes
         Supported                          : Yes
         Transfer Speed                     : SATA 3.0 Gb/s
         Reported Channel,Device(T:L)       : 0,11(11:0)
         Vendor                             : HUA72201
         Model                              : 0CLA330
         Firmware                           : JP4OA3NB
         Serial number                      : JPW9P0N0139JZD
         Reserved Size                      : 538264 KB
         Used Size                          : 953344 MB
         Unused Size                        : 64 KB
         Total Size                         : 953869 MB
         Write Cache                        : Enabled (write-back)
         FRU                                : None
         S.M.A.R.T.                         : No
         S.M.A.R.T. warnings                : 0
         SSD                                : No
         Temperature                        : Not Supported
         NCQ status                         : Enabled
      Device Phy Information                
         Phy #0
            PHY Identifier                  : 0
            SAS Address                     : 5001517507FE6004
            Attached PHY Identifier         : 3
            Attached SAS Address            : 5001517507FE6000

      Device #2
         Device is a Hard drive
         State                              : Failed
         Block Size                         : Unknown
         Supported                          : Yes
         Reported Channel,Device(T:L)       : 0,13(13:0)
         Vendor                             : 
         Model                              : 
         Firmware                           : 
         World-wide name                    : 0000000000000000
         Total Size                         : 0 MB
         Write Cache                        : Unknown
         FRU                                : None
         S.M.A.R.T.                         : No
         S.M.A.R.T. warnings                : 0
         SSD                                : No
         Temperature                        : Not Supported
      Device Phy Information                
         No Phy information available       

      Device #3
         Device is an Enclosure Services Device
         Reported Channel,Device(T:L)       : 2,0(0:0)
         Type                               : SAF-TE
         Vendor                             : ESG-SHV.
         Model                              : SCA HSBP M13....
         Firmware                           : 2.05