YannisRoss / meteor

A Ruby on Rails API that interfaces with Open-Meteo's weather forecast API.
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MeteoR(ails) is a Ruby on Rails API that interfaces with Open-Meteo's weather forecast API. It lets users create accounts and retrieve weather forecast data by providing a location's latitude and longitude. Users have to provide a resume file in order to use the weather forecast API. Users can also save weather data on the database, and retrieve or delete it later.

Running the app

Run the server with rails s, don't forget to rails db:migrate. MeteoR uses postgres and the pg gem for its database.

API Endpoints

A list of the API endpoints can be found under /api-docs/index.html, using OpenAPI 3.0 Swagger and rswag. There are example values and requests that you can try with the Try it out button.


Authentication is handled by generating user sessions and signed IDs that expire after 5 hours. The groundwork for the auth setup was built with the Authentication Zero gem.


MeteoR uses RSpec for testing. Run bundle exec rspec to run the full tests collection, or bundle exec rspec your/test/directory to run individual tests.