Yao-DD / S3N

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Selective Sparse Sampling for Fine-grained Image Recognition


PyTorch Implementation

This repository contains:

Please follow the instruction below to install it and run the experiment demo.



  1. Install S3N via Nest's CLI tool:

    # note that data will be saved under your current path
    $ git clone https://github.com/Yao-DD/S3N.git ./S3N
    $ nest module install ./S3N/ s3n
    # verify the installation
    $ nest module list --filter s3n

Prepare Data

  1. Download the CUB-200-2011 dataset:

    $ mkdir ./S3N/datasets
    $ cd ./S3N/datasets
    # download and extract data
    $ wget http://www.vision.caltech.edu/visipedia-data/CUB-200-2011/CUB_200_2011.tgz
    $ tar xvf CUB_200_2011.tgz
  2. Prepare annotation files:

    Move the file ./datasets/train.txt and ./datasets/test.txt into ./datasets/CUB_200_2011. The list of image file names and label is contained in the file ./datasets/CUB_200_2011/train.txt and ./datasets/CUB_200_2011/test.txt, with each line corresponding to one image:

    <image_name> <class_id>  

Run the demo

  1. run the code as:

    $ cd ./S3N
    # run baseline
    $ PYTHONWARNINGS='ignore' CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 nest task run ./demo/cub_baseline.yml
    # run S3N
    $ PYTHONWARNINGS='ignore' CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 nest task run ./demo/cub_s3n.yml

Pretrained models

  1. S3N model for CUB_200_2011 dataset is availavble on Baidu Disk.

    The link:https://pan.baidu.com/s/19x9zI_ZNi32sRGRgNwN_Fw
    code: r252


The current code was prepared under the above-mentioned prerequisites. The use of other version can cause problems.