YatingMusic / compound-word-transformer

Official implementation of compound word transformer (AAAI'21)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Compound Word Transformer

Authors: Wen-Yi Hsiao, Jen-Yu Liu, Yin-Cheng Yeh and Yi-Hsuan Yang

Paper (arXiv) | Audio demo (Google Drive) | Blog | Colab notebook

Official PyTorch implementation of AAAI2021 paper "Compound Word Transformer: Learning to Compose Full-Song Musicover Dynamic Directed Hypergraphs".

We presented a new variant of the Transformer that can processes multiple consecutive tokens at once at a time step. The proposed method can greatly reduce the length of the resulting sequence and therefore enhance the training and inference efficiency. We employ it to learn to compose expressive Pop piano music of full-song length (involving up to 10K individual to23 kens per song). In this repository, we open source our Ailabs.tw 1K7 dataset, and the codes for unconditional generation.


chorder is our in-house rule-based symbolic chord recognition algorithm, which is developed by our former intern - joshuachang2311. He is also a jazz pianist :musical_keyboard:.


In this work, we conduct two scenario of generation:


To prepare your own training data, please refer to documentaion for further understanding.
Or, you can start with our AIlabs.tw Pop1K7, which is available here.

Demo: Colab Notebook

The colab notebook is now available here.
Thanks our intern AdarshKumar712 for organizing the codes.
