Yayure / ckeditor5-mathlive

Mathlive plug-in for ckeditor5
MIT License
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CKEditor 5 mathematical formula editor feature · npm version

ckeditor5-mathlive is a formula editor designed for CKEditor 5 based on mathlive. You can insert, edit, and view formulas based on LaTeX syntax. Meanwhile, the plugin supports up to 800 LaTeX syntaxes by default.

Table of contents



Classic editor with CDN


Screenshot 1

Installation & Usage


Install and use the base dependency mathlive in your project or CKEditor 5 :

npm install --save mathlive
import 'mathlive/dist/mathlive-static.css';
import 'mathlive';

Install and use the plugin in your project or CKEditor 5 :

npm install --save @yayure/ckeditor5-mathlive
import { Mathlive, MathlivePanelview } from '@yayure/ckeditor5-mathlive';

    .create( document.querySelector( '#editor' ), {
        plugins: [ Mathlive, /** ... Other plugins. */ ],
        toolbar: {
            items: [ 'mathlive', /** ... Other toolbar buttons. */ ]
        mathlive: {
            renderMathPanel( element ) {
                let panelView = new MathlivePanelview();
                panelView.mount( element );
                return () => {
                    panelView = null;
        // ... Other configuration options.
    } )


Add basic dependencies and the plugin :

    <!-- ... Other CKEditor Resources. -->

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/mathlive/dist/mathlive-static.css" />
    <script defer src="https://unpkg.com/mathlive"></script>
    <script src="https://unpkg.com/@yayure/ckeditor5-mathlive/build/mathlive.js"></script>

Using the plugin :

    .create( document.querySelector( '#editor' ), {
        plugins: [ CKEditor5.mathlive.Mathlive, /** ... other plugins. */ ],
        toolbar: [ 'mathlive', /** ... Other toolbar buttons. */ ],
        mathlive: {
            renderMathPanel( element ) {
                let panelView = new CKEditor5.mathlive.MathlivePanelview();
                panelView.mount( element );
                return () => {
                    panelView = null;
        // ... Other configuration options.
    } )


Default Plugin Configuration

    // ...
    mathlive: {
         * Mount the formula panel.
        renderMathPanel: undefined,
         * Whether to destroy the math formula panel when it is closed.
        mathPanelDestroyOnClose: false,
         * Whether to open the panel when a equation is selected.
        openPanelWhenEquationSelected: false,
         * Convert elements containing this class name into visual formula displays.
         * e.g. <span class="tex2jax_process">\sqrt{\frac{a}{b}}</span>
        processClass: 'tex2jax_process',
         * Convert the <script> with attribute type set to this value into visual formula displays.
         * e.g. <script type="math/tex">\sqrt{\frac{a}{b}}</script>
        processScriptType: 'math/tex',
         * Define the HTML data that the visualization formula outputs in CKEditor.
         * e.g. { type: 'script', attributes: { type: 'math/tex' } } => <script type="math/tex">\sqrt{\frac{a}{b}}</script>
         * { type: 'span', attributes: { class: 'math-tex' } } => <span class="math-tex">\sqrt{\frac{a}{b}}</span>
        output: {
            type: 'script',
            attributes: {
                type: 'math/tex'
    // ...

Contributions & Translations

Contributions, improvements and bug fixes are welcome. Development documentation can be found here DEVELOPMENT.md

You can translate the following folders and files

├─ lang
├─ ├─ translations
│  └─ contexts.json