YeOldeInn / agins-archive

Archive of Agin's Inn, the predecessor to Ye Olde Inn
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Archive of Agin's Inn

Before drathe ever set up Ye Olde Inn, there was Agin's Inn. Its contents have been preserved for decades now, though they definitely show their age today. They also have a bit of bitrot—links that don't go anywhere, email addresses that have changed or just don't exist anymore, and resources that have been superceded or were lost.

The site lives on as kind of the dusty old attic of Ye Olde Inn, but it'd be great to dust some of these old things off, mark and maybe fix some broken links, and maybe make the pages work properly on modern browsers and resolutions. It's pretty low-priority as of this writing, but … it's here if someone wants to contribute.

TODO items

Check out the Issues section of the site for that.

In-progress 'main'

You can check if you want to see what the current state of the main branch of development looks like. At some point we'll want to change that to deploy some other branch, but for now it's fine as it is.