This is the project's wiki and documentation
The goal of the project is to provide a small flexible technology stack for the web that
avoids monolithic architecture due to structured interfaces and a single cross language, cross platform protocol.
Properties the stack should have:
- vendor neutral - Apache2 licencing
- light weight - HTML5 CSS3, ECMAscript, Thrift protocol
- request reply and publish subscribe - http and websockets
- high performance - Thrift protocol, tcp/ip (websockets)
- cross language - Thrift protocol
- automatic language stub generation -Thrift compiler
- language agnostic network - Thrift protocol
- modular polyglot microservices - PHP, Java, Javascript, PERL, C#, C++
- evolving interfaces without breaking existing implementations -Thrift protocol
- explicit and centralized interface and bounded context design -Thrift IDL
Problem domains to solve:
- Database caching
- Key value store for cross language state caching
- Datagrid, distributed key value store supporting ACID
- Web session clustering, cross language
- Cross language protocol - Thrift TCompact binary protocol
Wider den Monolith - Am Ende wird alles gut: