Yeti-Robotics / polar-edge-analytics

Code for new scouting site
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Polar Edge


Polar Edge is a scouting application for FIRST Robotics Competition, built by Team 3506, YETI Robotics.



Polar Edge requires a local installation of Node.js, and Docker Desktop/PostgreSQL to run. We recommend using nvm (MacOS/Linux) or fnm (Windows) to manage your Node.js installation.

Local Setup

Setting up Polar Edge requires running a local instance of the database, and building the application. If Docker Desktop is installed and running, this will be handled automatically on dev startup. Otherwise, you will need to start the database manually.

In the root directory, run npm install to install the dependencies for the entire project. We recommend also installing the turbo CLI globally to make running commands easier. This can be done by running npm install -g turbo.

Two .env.local files are required for the project to build: one for the Next.js frontend, and one for the database package.

If you are not using Docker Desktop, ensure that the DATABASE_URL in packages/database/.env.local points to your local PostgreSQL instance.

Once the dependencies are installed and .env.local files are configured, you can start the development server by running turbo dev.


Documentation for the project can be found on the YETI Robotics' Wiki.