YihangPark / BIOS967_PARK

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Overall struggles with project #3

Open YihangPark opened 9 months ago

YihangPark commented 9 months ago

Hello Dai, sorry for the delayed update. Truthfully, I struggled to keep up with your courses, mostly because of beautiful combination of my habit of procrastination and some challenges with English-I spent stupid amount of time to reviewing your class recordings (genuinely thank you for generously providing those). For now, I've been mainly wrestling with selecting the most suitable statistical analysis for the data, given my limited knowledge of stats.

My main challenge right now is figuring out the best method to obtain p-values and test the significance of coefficients in the multinomial regression models I conducted. I've learned that often the Wald test might not be appropriate for multinomial models for some reasons, and the Likelihood Ratio Test (LRT) is recommended instead. However, I'm uncertain about my overall approach with the data, the package, and the function I tried to use for this purpose.

Honestly, I lack confidence in anything I did in the R script. Could you take a look at my current script and point out anything that might not be right or needs improvement? I've included annotations for each step to explain my thought process and what I was attempting to do at each stage.