YihangPark / BIOS967_PARK

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Readme for mccooki.csv

This is data on simultaneous mate choice trials of female wolf spider Schizocosa mccooki. The data were originally collected by Aaron Rundus in 2007.

All individuals, both female and male, were randomly assigned to one of two diet treatments: 1) Low-quantity diet (LD)- one cricket (Acheta domesticus) once every two weeks and 2) High-quantity diet (HD)- one cricket twice per week.

Simultaneous (1 female and 2 male constitues of low vs high-diet male) mate choice trials utilized a fully crossed 2 x 2 experimental design with a visual treatment of light versus dark (visual signal present/absent) and a seismic treatment of filter paper substratum versus granite substratum (seismic signal present/absent).


F: female ID Fcond: female diet Fage: female age (days following molt) Fweight: female weight Mlow: low-diet male ID MLowAge: low-diet male age MLowWeight: low-diet male weight Mhigh: high-diet male ID MHighAge: low-diet male age MHighWeight: low-diet male weight Cond (Lt/S): signaling conditions; +/+: visual & seismic present, +/-: visual-present and seismic-absent, -/+: visual-absent and seismic present, -/-: visual & seismic absent Date: the trial's date TOD: time of day of trials Age (L-H): The age difference between high-diet and low-diet males High Age: The male that is older than the other one. h: High-diet male, l: low-diet male, t: a tie (both males are the same age) Weight (L-H): The difference in weight between high-diet and low-diet males High Weight: The male that is heavier than the other one. h: High-diet maal, l: low-diet male 1st Court Male: The male that courts the female first. h: High-diet male, l :low-diet male 1st Court Time: The latency from the trial start to when the first male courts the female 1st Cop Male: The male that copulates with the female first. h: High-diet male, l: low-diet male, or it remains blank when both males do not copulate 1st Cop Time: The latency from the trial start to when the first male copulates with the female Court-Cop: The latency from the start of courtship to copulation.