MatConvNet implementation of our ECCV16 paper on joint image filtering.
> matlab/vl_setupnn.m
> matlab/vl_compilenn.m
Generate the training data (nearly the same way used in SRCNN).
> examples/Train/generate_trainingdata.m
Or please download the training data (for 8x depth upsampling) and put it under the examples/Train/TrainingData/ folder.
> examples/Train/demo_train.m
We provide our models for two tasks, i.e., depth map upsampling and Flash/Non-flash image noise reduction.
> examples/Test/cnn_test_upsampling.m
> examples/Test/cnn_test_noise_reduction.m
For training with GPU, please uncomment line 215-217 and 222-223 in matlab/simplenn.m and then re-compile.
> vl_setupnn.m
> vl_compilenn('enableGpu', true)
author = {Li, Yijun and Huang, Jia-Bin and Ahuja Narendra and Yang, Ming-Hsuan},
title = {Deep Joint Image Filtering},
booktitle = {European Conference on Computer Vision},
year = {2016}
We express gratitudes to SRCNN as we benefit a lot from both their paper and codes.